German BOE March 19, 2013 modified the Oct. 1, 2012 Child Abuse instructions.

by wifibandit 3 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • wifibandit

    19. März 2013 AN ALLE ÄLTESTENSCHAFTEN Korrektur im Brief an alle Ältestenschaften vom 1. Oktober 2012

    19 March 2013


    Correction to the letter to all bodies of elders from 1 October 2012

    Dear brothers,

    We ask you in the German version of the letter of 1 October 2012 to all A corrections must be made on child abuse.

    Please, in paragraph 18 (page 5), delete the term "criminal offenders". The new sentence is "Minors who have had sexual contacts with each other are excluded from the Convention is not normally regarded as a child abuse ". On will In future, the corrected German version will be available. The other languages are Is not affected by this correction.

    Thank you for your understanding and kind regards.

    Your brethren

    D .: Travelers Overseer

    Does anyone know of other examples of Per-Branch modifications to the October 1, 2012 TO ALL BODIES OF ELDERS Re: Child abuse?

    (Note: 10-01-2012 was replaced by August 1, 2016 BOE Re: Protecting Minors From Abuse)

  • wifibandit

    EinDenker provides some info:

    I think they try to avoid a word what can be used at a court. It's meaning is very different from the english version if you read it with an eye on the German law:
    „Strafunmündige“ should be replaced against: „Minderjährige, die sexuelle Kontakte miteinander hatten, werden von der Versammlung normalerweise nicht als Kindesmissbraucher angesehen“.
    This give the complete letter a different spin.
    "Strafunmündige" means in Germany persons under 14 years couldn't get a legal saction by the court. (There some trouble with this. Some criminal families use this for doing crimes.)
    This word been replaced with the sentence that a person under 14 years normally don't abuse childs. So they say first he is a criminal that we couldn't put to the court and replace it with the sentence that a person under 14 years don't abuse childs.
  • wifibandit

    EinDenker provides more info:

    First edition means persons under 14 years, second mean under 18.
  • Irishdub


    I can't thank you enough for all the docs, on your google share drive.

    keep up the good work ...

    Thank you so much ...grassy-ass (lol)

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