Why so many cult leaders have weird relationship issues and dysfunctional marriages?

by buzkid 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • buzkid

    Why do so many cult leaders have weird relationship issues and dysfunctional marriages?

    Russell coudn't get along with his wife Mariah. Rutherford had trouble with his wife and sent her away.

    Eric Wilson says it's O.K. if you don't get legally married as long as you have a "spiritual marriage" in his latest video response to the situation of people coming forward complaining about the abusive religious tactics his "wife" practices and he condones.

    I ask this question in a previous post but it deserves it's own discussion definitely:
    Why is it that so many cult leaders have weird relationship issues and dysfunctional marriages?

  • Touchofgrey

    Because they have a narcissistic personality, anyone who claims that god speaks through them or directs them has a personality disorder. It's all about them and there control over their family and anyone else who falls for their scams.

  • buzkid

    Good point, Touchofgrey! There is a dysfunctional family relation in cults because, as another post pointed out too, the BITE Model of Authoritarian Control applies to both remarkably well and narcissistic personalities only care about themselves. A dysfunctional view of sexual relations also plays into the control system.

  • BelisemDeBelimakom

    The dark side have a classic/typical modus operandi. Research Jezebel [and Delilah] spirit.

    For ex. https://dawnadesilva.com/identifying-the-jezebel-and-delilah-spirits/

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze

    The devill uses spiritual Jujitsu. This is where you do not directly oppose the direction of force from an opponent. You simply step aside and "help" the opponents' strength to facilitate his own downfall.

    When a fleshly, unsaved person reads the bible the enemy will try to make him feel special, superior. He begins to wonder why others are not a spiritual as he is. He begins to reason that God must have special plans for someone with as much to offer as he does. In extreme cases, he may see himslf prophesied in scriptutre - "that" faithful and wise servant".

    He begins to see his criticalness of others as really a spiritual gift from God - the gift of "discernment".

    The reality is they are in fact turning into a bigger jackass than what they were previously. There is an old saying, "If you really want to find out how someone is doing, just ask their spouse".

    If you are a self-centered jackass, you can usually fool many people. But, you won't be able to fool the spouse (or children) who live with you.

    Hope that helps.

  • KerryKing

    Eric is right in that a legal marriage was never a biblical requirement, that came centuries later.

    It isn't a legal requirement anymore today either, a common law marriage is accepted in most western nations, but for inheritance and tax purposes, a legal marriage is still often preferred.

    The WT uses the paying Caesar's things back to Caesar as a reason to be legally married but thats taking the verse completely out of context, as it refers to taxation, not marriage. The WT is also REALLY good at only applying this to their r and f but never themselves as an organisation.

    In fairness to Eric, he has exposed the WT and Christendom lies re women and their role in first century Christianity, he acknowledges clearly that the scriptures speak of women judges, prophets, apostles, teachers and healers.

    Whether Eric and Wendy are legally married or not is nobody's business but their own, same goes for anyone else.

  • Vidiot
    buzkid - Why so many cult leaders have weird relationship issues and dysfunctional marriages?”

    Weird relationship issues and dysfunctional marriages are almost always caused by narcissism, severe insecurities, and untreated mental health problems.

    Individuals who are not overly plagued by those issues don’t typically feel compelled to become leaders… it’s simply not a “need” they have to have filled.

    Being a cult leader doesn’t fuck you up…

    …you become a cult leader because you’re already fucked up.

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