Hey all! Long time no see.
A couple of weeks ago, I got a phone call from my JW mother. She said she had something interesting to tell me...
Way back in 2002, I was moving out from my stupid roommate who was playing dumb jokes on me. I was able to get a female friend and her boyfriend whom she was living with to help me move all my stuff out of my place and into my parents' house. Apparently, my mother was sitting there doing her Watchtower study. Apparently my friend's BF took notice of the Watchtower magazine.
Recently, he approached my mother. She didn't recognize her, but he told her who he was, and that he was now a baptized brother. :(
He was a good guy, and it's a shame to see him join this lousy cult. I know my friend wouldn't have joined. It's too bad that didn't rub off on him.
So yeah, I feel kinda bad. I indirectly ruined somebody's life.