Growth ..proof of blessings!

by MacHislopp 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • MacHislopp

    Hello everyone,
    one of the recent claim from the WTS was published in the

    w. 15.01.2001 p. 12 :" Millions of Kingdom proclaimers - a mighty nation -are now associating with more than 91,000 congregations in 235 lands around the earth.
    Unquestionably, this confirms that Jehovah is speeding up the ingathering of true
    worshippers before the outbreak of the" great tribulation," now so near at hand.-
    Matthew 24:21; Revelation 7:9-14. "

    Question: Where are 2,632,453 publishers missing - in the last 39 years -?

    All dead? All disfellowshipped? All dissociated? All inactives?

    After all the peak of publishers for 2000 was " only " 6,035,564
    Out of a grand total of baptized ones……………………...8,668,017

    A mistery???

    Agape, J.C. MacHislopp

  • Francois

    By the "ain't we got so many members?" metric, they have a long way to go to get as blessed as:

    800 Million Catholics
    1,000 Million Buddhists
    900 Million Hindus
    15 Million Southern Baptists
    25 Million Sihks
    1,100 Million Muslims
    100 Million Atheists and Agnostics

    The path that leads to righteousness may indeed be narrow and crooked, but it is wide enough for ALL who wish to travel there.


  • Prisca
    Jehovah is speeding up the ingathering of true
    worshippers before the outbreak of the "great tribulation,"

    I remember hearing this at the conventions during the 80s. They made a big fuss of how the "little one beome a thousand" was now literally coming true - numbers during the early 80s were now 1000x more than when they were "released" in 1919 (according to their explanation).

    So now we are past the 90s, and Jehovah is still "speeding up the ingathering"??

    If he was, wouldn't the numbers be increasing accordingly? As we know, the numbers actually decreased in the mid-80s, as well during the mid-90s. If it were not for the developing countries, the numbers of publishers would be declining, as we have seen in the Western world.

    So if Jehovah was really behind this organisation, and "speeding up the ingathering", why is he "blessing" the developing world, and ignoring the West? Is he practising inverse discrimination?

  • somebody


    Ya gotta hellava nerve asking questions!

    Afterall, numbers and statitics don't matter:

    Jan 15, 2001 Watchtower

    Of course, the number of those associated with Jehovah's Witnesses is not a criterion for determining if they enjoy divine favor;nor do statistics impress God.

    Depends on the date that you ask:

    May 15, 2001 Watchtower

    Consult the current Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses, and note the lands now reporting from 100,000 to nearly 1,000,000 Kingdom publishers. This is powerful proofthat the Kingdom-preaching work is being blessed by Jehovah.


  • MacHislopp

    Hello Francoise,

    Thanks for your comment and updated figures worldwide!

    Somebody and Prisca: Thanks for your comments!

    My question is :

    Why the WTS does not give the true situation???

    Agape, J.C. MacHislopp

  • Loki

    The WTS do seem to have trouble with their maths, don’t they. Maybe because so many were of them left school early to pioneer.

    Thanks for your info Somebody – what a difference 4 months makes in attitude. Statistics are only right if they agree with you?

    JC Mac, I'm sure the WTS will tell us the truth about the numbers, when they have managed to find a reason why this is “proof” of Jehovah’s blessings.

  • Francois

    Does it occur to anyone that if Jehovah can "speed up" the ingathering, that he also has the ability to perform this ingathering so that all his children will be included?

    Since he is the very font of agape, of unconditional love, then he would accept all his children unconditionally, wouldn't he? Of course, you have to have a proper understanding of what unconditional love really means. And that's quite a bit different from what the JWs mean by unconditional love.


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