I've been really disappointed for quite a while nowadays, actually I disassociated out of anger against the elders because I was being bullied over a row about confidentiality. But that's nothing compared to those poor kids that have been scarred for life because of all the plethora of child abusers acting as elders in the congregations. I live in the UK and its more prevalent than the common cold.
However, Jehovah's organisation as called, seems to have no sympathy for those kids at all. All they are concerned about is protecting themselves from being sued or preventing a public scandal. However, no matter how much they cover it up it all comes out in the open in the end.
My verdict?
They say that elders are appointed by holy spirit, therefore what that means is that Jehovah appoints criminals to look after his sheep. A God of Love would never, I mean never, do that. In fact, saying that he appointed these criminals brings reproach on Him.
The fact that they are being investigated from country to country (i.e. Britain, Australia etc.) has brought reproach on Jehovah, a perfect God. Is it any wonder that the organisation is running out of funds? Jehovah would never support an organisation that was constantly bringing reproach on him.
For a few years now, I've had a moral dilemma of whether or not I should still support the organisation or not because of all the criminality and covering it over like a dog bury's its dirt. I've actually been quite distressed over it for some time.
I don't think adherents would be too happy about spending their contributions on Luxury apartments at Fishkill whilst cancelling Kingdom Hall constructions at the same time. I'm now pretty fed up with it all, compounded with my own experiences of breach of confidence, which is against the law these days.
As far as I'm concerned, those children who have been abused by elders in position of authority, appointed by other elders, should be taken care of first, not the Watchtower's reputation. They've been harmed, harmed a great deal and they will have to deal with that harm all their waking lives.
I'm disgusted with the Watchtower, and I'm guessing Jehovah is as well, though not for me to say.