I contacted Simon but never got a response.
As Ace Ventura said - "If I'm not back in 10 minutes ... just await longer!". You may not have noticed but we've recently had some attacks on the site that I had to deal with and also have my day-job work to get on with.
I may not have the same view of urgency of a couple of links in a post as you do as I have a different todo list of things that need my attention, especially when the links in question were all the exact same thing duplicated and some of them work just fine. Nothing would stop anyone wanting to get to the linked site from getting to it.
I think waiting a little longer before declaring that you have been ignored over something so trivial would be a little more reasonable. You didn't even give me a whole day.
And it's nothing to do with 'censorship' and makes no sense to suggest it - why would I "redirect" some of the links but leave others?
You simply pasted the links wrong. I say "pasted" because the same text was prefixing each one and it's the same link each time. Instead of it being an absolute link to an external website (starting with http ...) a browser would see it as a relative link to whichever site was serving that content. If you posted that to other websites then they would "censor" it in the same way - it will always go back to the site they were hosted from, that's how web browsers and links work.
The mistake was all yours I'm afraid but thanks for trying to suggest something underhand just because I didn't reply to you soon enough, I really appreciate that. If you recall I already took some time to fix up the formatting on your previous topic. I guess you forgot.