Fishy things that look like they never even happened...

by logansrun 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • logansrun

    Jesus dies to end sin and death in 33 CE yet we are all sinning and dying 1970 years later. Hmmm....

    Jesus is proclaimed King of God's Kingdom and rules over the earth in 1914 yet we still have hundreds of governments ruling over the world today. Hmmmm.....

    Babylon the Great -- all religions except the JWs -- fell from power in 1919 yet all the churches are open for business and people are more religious than ever. Hmmm....

    Sounds fishy to me.


  • iiz2cool

    Maybe the things you speak of were only minor, and we must await the greater, secondary, or spiritual fulfillments of prophesy. Maybe in 2034 the governing body will receive new light and realize that the time of the end will begin in the year 4554, after another 2520 years have passed. But they won't tell anyone that because it would diminish the urgency of the work. Instead, they will find more "spiritual" fullfillments and new meanings for the "beasts" in the bible's prophetic books. They will receive "new light" that reveals that the "other sheep" are not really a second class of humans, but rather they are literal sheep that are raised on the Watchtower farms. As in the case of blood, Jehovah's Witnesses will be prohibited from eating lamb. They will realize that their understanding of Balylon the Great was incorrect, but that's ok. It's all new light. They'll come to realize that they must build a large Bethel complex on the original site of ancient Babylon, and the sheep will be relocated to this new Bethel complex to await the rapture.

    I really shouldn't drink and post.


  • Bendrr

    Bradley will you just shut up and wait on Jehovah 's organization for cryin out loud?!

    2034 was just planted mis-information to throw us 'postates off. It's actually 2014. Duh!


  • Satanus

    Bradley ate the blue pill.


  • Carmel

    "...all eyes shall see Him...." Look, look, in the sky! It's a bird, it's a plane, it's super....jesus! "He shall come on the clouds, can't you see the new day, He shall come on the clouds, can't you see the new day......."

    amen bros

  • Leolaia

    Babylon the Great fell in 1919? I vaguely recall that, i that supposed to be different from Babylon the Great getting attacked by the wild beast? Because the latter I'm sure was supposed to still be future. You know, when i was raised in the JWs, i hadn't a clue until i was 17 that the resurrection supposedly began 1918. No clue. I thought it had been going on since the first century. ---Leolaia

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