Ecuador jw kills baby

by carla 7 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • carla



    Lett and his 'enemies of god' video has something to do with it or added to post partum? Tragic either way.

    "........In the above video, leader of the Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mark Stephen Lett, refers to babies as “enemies of God” because they are not born as “friends of God”. This comment is dangerous for numerous reasons, least of which is that it is logically fallacious: One is not automatically an enemy of another simply because they are not a friend. We are only enemies if we commit an act that is contrary to the interest of another OR we view someone as an enemy because we have learned to be prejudiced towards other persons or groups."

  • BluesBrother

    A tragedy happened here, we would all agree. It is a big stretch to relate it to Steven Lett’s comments , stupid though they were .

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    Some old-school JWs agree with Stephen Letts comments.

  • Diogenesister
    "A tragedy happened here, we would all agree. It is a big stretch to relate it to Steven Lett’s comments , stupid though they were ."
    Me : Blues, please don't let your love of individual JWs - as understandable as it is - affect your judgement to the point you cannot see that when a man with the power Stephen Lett wields makes comments such as that it's far worse than merely stupid.

    Women with post partum depression, and people with psychosis in general, need very little to push them over the edge.

    If they insist on micro managing let them at least be responsible as far as they can. Letts comments were utterly unnecessary, even in the context of that misanthropic religion. Far worse than anything Morris has said.

  • BluesBrother

    I quite agree with the above post Diogenesister, but Lett still strikes me as dumb rather than evil. I would ask, Has this woman actually said that it was Lett’s comments that led her to see her baby as the Devil ?

    If so, then case proved.

  • pokertopia

    한국에서는 이보다 훨씬 심한 사건이 일어 났다. 이 사건은 JW 가정에서 일어났다.

    There has been a much worse incident in Korea. This incident happened in a JW family.

    2016년 8월 19일 오전 6시경 서울시 금천구로 출근을 준비하던 구두수선공 가장이

    거실 쪽이 시끄러워서 방문을 열고 나와보니 부인, 아들, 딸이 키우던 애완견 푸들

    마구 짖는 것을 보고 악령이 씌었다면서 애완견을 죽이려고 하였다.

    ​On August 19, 2016, at around 6 a.m., the head of a shoe repair shop who was preparing to go to work in Geumcheon-gu, Seoul It was noisy in the living room, so I opened the door and found that my wife, son, and daughter had a pet poodle He tried to kill his pet dog, saying that he was possessed by an evil spirit when he saw him barking.

    그 광경을 본 아버지는 이게 뭐 하는 짓이냐면서 가족들에게 화를 냈고,

    그 당시 딸이 무서운 눈빛으로 아버지에게 화를 내었다고 한다.

    아버지는 출근 시간도 되고 해서 별다른 조치 없이 출근을 하였다.

    20분 정도 지난 오전 6시 20분에 가족합심해서 애완견살해하였고,

    몸통머리를 분리해 머리 부분을 양동이에 넣고 삶으려고 했다.

    이것이 악귀를 막으려는 행동이었다고 한다.

    When he saw the scene, his father was angry with his family, asking what he was doing, At that time, it is said that the daughter was angry at her father with scary eyes. My father went to work without any action because it was time to go to work. About 20 minutes later, at 6:20 a.m., the family joined forces to kill the dog, I tried to separate the body from the head and boil the head in a bucket. It is said that this was an act to prevent evil spirits.

    약 10분경이 지난 뒤 이 갑자기 손을 떨면서 자신을 졸랐고, 이를 말리던

    어머니 목을 조르기 시작한다. 이에 놀란 어머니는 애완견악령에게

    옮겨갔다고 소리치고, 아들이 달려와 동생어머니에게서 떼어 화장실로 옮겼다.

    이후 어머니는 아들에게 칼과 망치를 가져오라 한 다음을 마구 찔렀고,아들은 망치로 옆구리와 얼굴을 마구 쳐 결국 사망에 이르게 했다. 이 죽자 모자는 목에 칼질을 계속하여 아예 잘라 버렸다.

    About 10 minutes later, her daughter suddenly shook her hand and strangled her, and she begins to strangle her mother who was drying her teeth. Surprised by this, the mother shouted that the evil spirit of the pet dog had been transferred to her daughter, and the son ran and took the younger brother away from the mother and moved him to the bathroom. Later, the mother told her son to bring a knife and a hammer, and then stabbed her daughter with a knife, and the son hit her side and face with a hammer, eventually leading to death. When her daughter died, the hat continued to cut her neck and cut it completely.

    어머니는 범행 직후 옷을 갈아입고 도주하였고, 아들은 집 안에 있다가 아버지에게 전화로

    동생을 죽였다고 말하였다. 아버지는 본인이 가는 대신 친구인 장로를 보내 상황을 알아보게 했다.

    그리고 지인은 화장실의 참수된 시체를 보고 바로 경찰에 신고하였고, 아들은 현장에서 체포되었다.

    경찰은 사건 당일 오후 6시 반 경찰서 인근 도로에서 자수하러 온 어머니체포했다.

    Immediately after the crime, the mother changed her clothes and ran away, and the son told his father that he had killed his younger brother by phone while inside the house. Instead of going, the father sent an Elder to find out the situation. And he saw the beheaded body in the bathroom and immediately reported it to the police, and the son was arrested at the scene. Police arrested a mother who came to turn herself in on a road near the police station at 6:30 p.m. on the day of the incident.

    본 사건과 같이 가족 전체에 걸쳐 살인 등의 극단적인 행동이 나타나는 경우는 드물기 때문에,

    전문가들은 공유 정신병 등을 의심하고 있으며, 가족에게 뭔가 특이사항이 있었는지를 조사했다. 추가적인 경찰 조사 결과 어머니는 결혼 전 지속적으로 신병을 앓아 왔으며,

    어머니의 조모도 무속인이었고, 결혼하기 전 신병이 일시적으로 잦아들자 무속인의 길거부하고 결혼을 했다고 전해졌다. 또 이유는 확실치 않으나 범인과 피해자 모두 사건 5일 전부터 식사를 하지 않고 굶었다는 사실 등 종교에 의한 착란, 환각 등에 의해 이러한 사건을 벌인 것으로 추측했다.

    Since it is rare for extreme actions such as murder to appear throughout the family as in this case, experts suspect shared mental illness and investigated whether there was anything unusual about the family. According to additional police investigations, the mother had been constantly ill before marriage, and her grandmother was also a shaman, and when the recruit temporarily died down before marriage, she refused to be a shaman and got married. He also speculated that the case was caused by religious confusion and hallucinations, such as the fact that both the criminal and the victim starved without eating five days before the incident.

    아들의 진술에 따르면 사건 발생 10일 전 8월 9일부터 어머니의 강요에 의해 야채과일 등의

    음식만 먹었다고 한다. 이 동안 자녀들은 배달 음식을 시켜 먹거나, 라면을 끓여먹는 등

    어머니 몰래 식사를 했다. 사건 발생 5일 전 8월 15일에는 어머니가 등산을 하던 중 솔잎을 만진 순간 접신이 되는 느낌이 있었다고 한다. 그리고 사건 전날 18일 저녁부터 사건이 일어난 19일 새벽까지 자녀들과 파수대 토론을 계속했다고 한다.

    According to the son's statement, he ate only vegetables and fruits due to his mother's coercion from Aug. 9, 10 days before the incident. In the meantime, the children ate without their mothers knowing, such as ordering delivery food or cooking ramen. On August 15, five days before the incident, it was said that the moment my mother touched the pine needles while hiking, I felt like I was being grafted. And it is said that he continued to discuss the watch tower with his children from the evening of the 18th the day before the incident until the dawn of the 19th when the incident took place.

    체포된 어머니는 "악귀가 딸한테 든 줄 알았는데, 알고 보니 내가 악귀에 들었던 것 같다"라며

    후회하고 오열하는 모습을 보였다고 한다.

    The arrested mother said, "I thought the evil spirit was in my daughter, but it turned out that I was in the evil spirit," and showed regret and sobbing

    2017년 4월 7일 첫 재판 결과가 나왔다. 어머니는 무죄, 아들은 징역 10년형을 선고받았다.

    어머니의 심신상실이 인정받은 결과였다. 그리고 훗날 서울고등법원 형사 6부도

    2017년 7월 항소심에서 살인시체 훼손 등의 혐의로 기소된 어머니에게 1심과 같은 무죄를 선고하고 치료감호를 명령했다. 범행에 가담한 피해자의 친오빠에게는 징역 10년이 선고됐다.

    ​The results of the first trial came out on April 7, 2017. The mother was acquitted and the son was sentenced to 10 years in prison. It was the result of recognition of my mother's mental and physical loss. And later, the 6th detective of the Seoul High Court In July 2017, an appeals court acquitted the mother accused of murder and body damage as in the first trial and ordered treatment and custody. The victim's brother who participated in the crime was sentenced to 10 years in prison.

    친오빠는 현재 교도소에서 복역 중이며 2019년 6월 5일에 어머니 김 씨는 출소를 하여,

    남편과 함께 시흥시 아파트에서 살고 있다고 한다.

    His brother is currently serving time in prison, and on June 5, 2019, his mother Kim was released from prison and is said to be living in an apartment in Siheung-si with her husband.

  • pokertopia

    A pile of Watchtower publications were found in the house, but police ruled out any connection to religion

  • blondie

    I have called on people who say there are jws, but only studied with jws, never attended meetings, just studied for as long as ten years, smoking and celebrating holidays all during. Or neighbors or family that say a certain family are jws, same situation. I can think of people who have taken WT publications and kept in their home, not proof. And non-jws, even news organizations don't have a clue. Many people I have met that say they are Catholic or Jewish, haven't practiced their religion for years.

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