Miscellaneous highlights from 10/2019 WT

by neat blue dog 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • neat blue dog
    neat blue dog

    Okay sorry, just a few more things that grabbed me in this issue:

    The magazine starts with an article dedicated to the 100th anniversary of that all important year on which the GB's authority hangs, 1919. The article ends with several rapid fire assertions:

    By the end of 1919, Jehovah’s people

    were reorganized and energized. Addition-

    ally, several important prophecies involving

    the last days had been fulfilled. The testing

    and refinement of God’s people, foretold at

    Malachi 3:1-4, was complete. Jehovah’s

    people had been released from their sym-

    bolic captivity to “Babylon the Great,” and

    Jesus had appointed “the faithful and dis-

    creet slave.”

    Yet naturally there is no proof offered, it's just now assumed to be a given. These things happened because they happened.

    Then there's this sad opinion of a JW:

    A sister

    named Marilyn said: “JW Broadcasting

    has helped me to be more positive, and I

    don’t have to filter the content.

    Ever since waking up, all I ever do when partaking of JW content is to 'filter' it and read between the lines. It's this uncritical acceptance that leads to so much harm.

    Moving on . . . As we know, besides have their own vocabulary, JWs seem to make their own convenient definitions of certain words. (Like "generation".) This time, the word of the day is Christendom:

    EXPRESSION EXPLAINED: Christendom is made up of

    religions that claim to be Christian but that do not teach

    people to worship Jehovah according to his standards.

    Every authority will tell you that it's basically all Christian religions, but JWs like to say it's everybody but them.

    Last but not least, here's some straightforward council on not supporting Christendom in any way:


    Christian who is employed by some other

    business would not want to do exten-

    sive work at a facility that promotes false

    worship. And if he owns a business, he

    would certainly not bid on a job or do

    contract work for any part of Babylon

    the Great. Why do we take such a firm

    stand? Because we do not want to share

    in the works and sins of religious organi-


    We also need to avoid such organizations as youth

    camps or recreational facilities that have ties to false re-

    ligion. For example, regarding membership in the

    YMCA (Young Men’s Christian Association), see “Ques-

    tions From Readers” in the January 1, 1979, issue of

    The Watchtower. The same stand must be taken toward

    the YWCA (Young Women’s Christian Association). Even

    though some local affiliates try to downplay the religious

    aspects of their activities, these are, in fact, organiza-

    tions with religious roots and objectives.

    But all the many, MANY Kingdom Halls that have been sold to churches . . . That's okay though right?

  • NCC-1701

    This means that the Governing Body will no longer be with us on earth. However, the great crowd will remain organized. Capable brothers from among the other sheep will take the lead. We will need to show our loyalty by supporting these brothers and by following their God-given direc- tion. Our survival will depend on it!

    Watchtower Study October 2019 pp 17-18

    Wow, what a great GB exit strategy this may be. They disappear, the Great Crowd believing that they’ve been raptured away has no reason to search for them. They look to another group of leaders waiting for direction. Meanwhile the GB and corporate directors are living in a tropical paradise.

    It would make a good novel. I bet Terry Walstrom could write it.

  • Anna Marina
    Anna Marina

    Or H G Wells who wrote God the Invisible King, which appears to be a very WBTS take on the Kingdom of God. Maybe H G Wells helped Rutherford write books.

    Belief in God as the Invisible King brings with it almost necessarily a conception of this coming kingdom of God on earth. Each believer as he grasps this natural and immediate consequence of the faith that has come into his life will form at the same time a Utopian conception of this world changed in the direction of God’s purpose. The vision will follow the realisation of God’s true nature and purpose as a necessary second step. And he will begin to develop the latent citizen of this world-state in himself. He will fall in with the idea of the world-wide sanities of this new order being drawn over the warring outlines of the present, and of men falling out of relationship with the old order and into relationship with the new. Many men and women are already working to-day at tasks that belong essentially to God’s kingdom, tasks that would be of the same essential nature if the world were now a theocracy; for example, they are doing or sustaining scientific research oreducation or creative art; they are making roads to bring men together, they are doctors working for the world’s health, they are building homes, they are constructing machinery to save and increase the powers of men. . . .

    Such men and women need only to change their orientation as men will change about at a work-table when the light that was coming in a little while ago from the southern windows, begins presently to comein chiefly from the west, to become open and confessed servants of God. This work that they were doing for ambition, or the love of men or the love of knowledge or what seemed the inherent impulse to the work itself, or for money or honour or country or king, they will realise they are doing for God and by the power of God. Self transformation into a citizen of God’s kingdom and a new realisation of all earthly politics as no more than the struggle to define and achieve the kingdom of God in the earth, follow on, without any need for a fresh spiritual impulse, from the moment when God and the believer meet and clasp one another. This transfiguration of the world into a theocracy may seem a merely fantastic idea to anyone who comes to it freshly without such general theological preparation as the preceding pages have made. But to anyone who has been at the pains to clear his mind even a little from the obsession of existing but transitory things, it ceases to be a mere suggestion and becomes more and more manifestly the real future of mankind.

    H G Wells was not a Christian he was a Fabian. The coat of arms of the Fabians used to be a wolf in sheep's clothing. It was surprising to me to see how often H G Wells is quoted in WBTS literature.


  • resolute Bandicoot
    resolute Bandicoot

    A Fabian, now that is a subject that you would never read about in a watch tower.


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