Reading the recent thread about first talks reminded me of when I was new on the school.
I was around 8 and had to read the chapter that mentions 'sucking king's breasts'. We got there late and somebody else was giving it. Boy was I secretly relieved. My Dad looked down and with a glimmer said 'are you glad?'.
By the time I grew up, I figured the only way to avoid embarrassment was to OWN those nasty readings. Read em like you meant em, breast squeezing, breast intoxication, bosom pressing, donkey genitals, horse emissions, and the assorted 'ass'.
One older sister approached me after and remarked on the very 'mature' reading I was assigned. Another time I took someone's place reading the Proverbs 'marital sex' chapter. He sincerely thanked me after with a look of fear on his face.
Anybody have anecdotes to share about shocking scriptures/etc. and situations in the ministry/at the meeting/etc.?