I have no ideas what to make of that.
Barnet Kingdom Hall in the UK is a Pokemon Go Stop
by usualusername1 7 Replies latest jw friends
It must be jehovahs hand in the matter.
Simple, KHs are located in planet earth, in a country, in a locality, in an actual geographic location. In other words, the KH is as part of the world as the rest of it.
I wouldn't want to go into one of those dumps just for a Pokemon. Even if it was something like a mewtwo or a kyogre, it is not worth the spiritual damage from being in the rubbish dump.
I'm pretty sure the one where I live is a pokestop too. I live over the road from a baptist church and that's also a pokestop! Pretty funny but I'm sure someone I'm still in touch with on Instagram put that their kh was a Pokémon gym. I bet they are all playing on their tablets/phones whilst the snore fest is on....... another blessing from jehoovar. 😉
Every kindgom hall in my city is a PokeStop. Most religious centres are, including mosques and synagogues.
The locations of pokestops etc. are based on information registered by players of an older game called Ingress as well as some from Pokemon before they stopped applications for new stops and gyms. Religious buildings and generally places of interest or cultural purpose are frequently chosen.