Regional Convention in Greenville SC June 28-30...avg about 5800...33 baptized.Peak attendance for the RC was Sunday AM 6250 for Public Talk.Do the math!!
by loneranger 7 Replies latest jw friends
33 is about average for a convention that size in the US.
Remember there are 3 opportunities per year to get baptized - one regional convention and 2 circuit assemblies.
What was the breakdown on ages - could you tell? What percentage was under, say, age 15?
Sir82...17 men and 16 wome were baptied...most were 40-50 yeaars in age...less than 10 kids that I noticed.
Sir82...17 men and 16 wome were baptied...most were 40-50 yeaars in age...less than 10 kids that I noticed.
That's an unusual statistic. More adults that children of JW's.
It is important to remember the bizarre effects of looming war talk on former JWs who are still mentally in. They probably think Daniel 8 is all about Trump and the END IS NIGH! (... again ... maybe ... but for sure sometime ... eventually ... unless JWs are wrong, in which case, they don't wanna be right!)
Little do they suspect that the end is Nye! -
Was that an "international" convention?
no...Regional Convention...not International
In the end growth is determined by the so-called WTS reported number annually.
It is a manufactured number. If a baptized person left after their baptism between September 2018 and August 2019, they would still be counted as a baptism.