Scouts File For Bankruptcy
by Lost in the fog 9 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Sounds like another organisation that has documents on offenders of sexual abuse of children and failed to report and lots of money in the bank .
Maybe they will file for bankruptcy and restructure to save paying compensation to the victims.
days of future passed
I just saw this on msn. Gave me thoughts of the WT doing the same. They'll just spin it as sticking it to Satan and his system of things.
The victims were boys. the scouts broadened that by inviting girls too, later.
Very very sad. It is a good thing that light is shone on all these dark doings. The hiding of the problem is not a jw failing, but an artifact of organisation think.
Sea Breeze
Last April it emerged that the BSA itself believed that more than 7,800 of its former leaders have been involved in sexually abusing scouts. The exposed court testimony showed more than 12,000 children have been victims over the course of 72 years. - Article
That's appalling!
Case documents here:
And so did Holden.
Apologies they didn’t go bankrupt they just discontinued the brand.
Well, yeah, there might have been some steamy stuff going on within (the back seats) of these moveme
ntrs.hopefully in the hold of the Holden not the minor kind.
Half banana
The Watchtower is worth billions but I do hope they read about the financial consequences of sexual abuse in the Scout organisation.