Medical Quotes from the Watchtower

by Beans 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Beans

    Check out some of these!

    Medical: Miscellaneous

    *** The Golden Age, Nov. 12, 1929, p. 107 ***

    [Note: not available on 1993/1995/1999 CD-ROM]

    If the organs [of your body] are diseased, heal them by correcting your diet. Avoid the use of aluminum cooking utensils and alum baking powders as they are injurious to your health, poisoning your blood stream... Sleep on the right side or flat on your back, with the head toward the north so as to get benefit of the earth's magnetic currents. Avoid serum inoculations as they pollute the blood stream with their filthy pus.... Stop chewing gum, as you need the saliva for your food.

    [Emphasis Added]

    *** The Golden Age, Jan. 1, 1923 p.214 ***

    [Note: not available on 1993/1995/1999 CD-ROM]

    But the dog-rabies-vaccine imposition is the latest.... Rabies! When it has been shown conclusively that there is no such thing as rabies

    [Emphasis Added]

    *** The Golden Age, Sept. 13, 1933, p.777 ***

    [Note: not available on 1993/1995/1999 CD-ROM]

    The earlier in the forenoon you take the sun bath, the greater will be the beneficial effect, because you get more of the ultra-violet rays, which are healing.

    [Emphasis Added]

    *** The Golden Age, September 26, 1934, p. 807 ***

    [Note: not available on 1993/1995/1999 CD-ROM]

    The Journal of the A. M. A. is the vilest sheet that passes the United States mail.... Nothing new and useful in therapeutics escapes its unqualified condemnation. Its attacks are generally ad hominem. Its editorial columns are largely devoted to character assassination.... Its editor [Morris Fishbein] is of the type of Jew that crucified Jesus Christ.

    [Emphasis Added]

    *** The Golden Age, Jan. 16, 1924, p. 250 ***

    [Note: not available on 1993/1995/1999 CD-ROM]

    It has never been proven that a single disease is due to germs.

    [Emphasis Added]

    *** The Golden Age, Dec. 8, 1920, p. 146 ***

    [Note: not available on 1993/1995/1999 CD-ROM]

    Milk is the greatest curative food known.

    [Emphasis Added]

    *** The Golden Age, April 22, 1925, p. 454 ***

    [Note: not available on 1993/1995/1999 CD-ROM]

    [See also ad for the Electronic Radio Biola is on page 479.]

    I HAVE named this new discovery, which I believe will be epochal in the history of the treatment of disease, and which I am exclusively announcing in THE GOLDEN AGE prior to its general publication elsewhere, The Electronic Radio Biola, which means life renewed by radio waves or electrons. The Biola automatically diagnoses and treats diseases by the use of the electronic vibrations. The diagnosis is 100 percent correct, rendering better service in this respect than the most experienced diagnostician.... THE principle of operation of the Biola is the collection... of the disease vibrations.... the fluid containing the same waves or vibrations enters the body, meets the disease waves and destroys them.... This is a great step forward, marking the Biola as the most valuable treatment apparatus obtainable today, and well worthy of notice in the columns of a magazine like THE GOLDEN AGE...

    [Emphasis Added]

    *** The Golden Age, Nov. 28, 1928, p. 133 ***

    [Note: not available on 1993/1995/1999 CD-ROM]

    All human ailments have their start in the intestines.

    [Emphasis Added]

    *** The Golden Age, July 5, 1935, p. 632 ***

    [Note: not available on 1993/1995/1999 CD-ROM]

    HOW many people know, I wonder, of the curative properties of olive oil. The word "cure" is a strong term.... I personally know of more than one being relieved of liver trouble, and even cured of gall stones, by the use of olive oil.... A friend who for years has suffered pain in the region of the appendix was entirely relieved by the oil treatments.

    [Emphasis Added]

    *** The Golden Age, Oct. 25, 1933, p. 57 ***

    [Note: not available on 1993/1995/1999 CD-ROM]

    ...Enfeebled constitutions, inherited from fashionable mothers, cannot stand up under tobacco...

    [Emphasis Added]

    *** The Golden Age, Nov. 26, 1919, p. 153 ***

    [Note: not available on 1993/1995/1999 CD-ROM]

    Even years ago it was known by some people that the use of pacifiers by babies is one of the chief causes of diseased and enlarged tonsils and adenoid growths, which results from the suction.

    [Emphasis Added]

    *** Consolation, Dec. 1, 1931, p. 12 ***

    [Note: not available on 1993/1995/1999 CD-ROM]

    A subscriber.... finds a drop or two of kerosene excellent for quickly cleaning sinks and bathtubs; it cuts the dirt immediately and leaves no odor; and when applied to cuts the cuts heal sooner. Try it.

    [Emphasis Added]

  • Mysterious

    I'd heard about some of those but never seen them for myself before. It certainly does make one question anything they put into print as the truth of the day. A good point to raise with people who seem to think that the very fact something is in the magazines advances it beyond modern science, thought, and reason.

  • avengers

    Here's another gem. Watch Tower judges man on size of nose.

    1921 "The size of the nose, as also the size of the eyes, is not without significance. The small-nosed man cannot have a judicial mind, whatever his other excellencies may be. And a man whose nose upturns can no more be expected to administer justice than a pug dog can be expected to act as a shepherd." {GA Jan 19 1921 224}

    PS. For you that want to know. GA stands for Golden Age.

    Another fine Truth from the GB. But then in those days they still had Jehovah's Spirit. what a laugh.

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    No doubt it was considered by the congregation to be superior cutting edge thinking - leaders in eugenic thought


    Avengers: that drunken dancing baby thing, had me in stitches .

    Beans: the things they used to write. **(added), the things they still continue to write.

    Hilarious, if not downright insane.

    But just to be safe, no more eating from aluminum pie plates for me.

  • DFWnonJW

    Insanity I tell ya! At least they got this right...

    and well worthy of notice in the columns of a magazine like THE GOLDEN AGE...

    Pulp fiction at it's most dubious.

  • Gadget
    Watch Tower judges man on size of nose .

    1921 "The size of the nose, as also the size of the eyes, is not without significance. The small-nosed man cannot have a judicial mind, whatever his other excellencies may be. And a man whose nose upturns can no more be expected to administer justice than a pug dog can be expected to act as a shepherd." {GA Jan 19 1921 224}

    So thats why Micheal Jackson kept having nose jobs....

  • Beans

    I think MJ must have read older publications!

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