"Sooner or later the Blood Doctrine will also be gone. It's just a matter of time."
I share your hope and admire your optimism. The blood doctrine is very, very heavily entrenched. The legal ramifications of changing it are probably insurmountable.
I doubt that they are yet going to do what many have suggested, that is, to not mention nor enforce the blood doctrine and just let it quietly die. Why? Because the ****ing HLCs still exist. They still send people to hospitals to try and ensure that a person needing a transfusion dies. Those sick bastards wallow in this stuff!
Even if they do the obvious thing that proves that they are moving away from the blood doctrine, that is, disband the HLCs, it will achieve little. Why? Because the JW congregations are probably somewhat full* of people like the mother-in-law of the story. The R&F will continue to practise the blood doctrine because they haven't been told not to. It's still going to be doctrine in their minds right up until it officially isn't.
*Okay, I'm not an attendee nor a practitioner, so I have no idea how many gung-ho anti-blooders there are in any given JW congregation, but there must be quite a few.