I'm trying to find David Hunter. we were in the same congregation in Belvidere, IL. I ran away from home when he was in Bethel. when I came back to visit, I'd heard he'd either been DF'ed or DA'ed himself. we used to have some of the best debates while out in service. I kept trying to convince him that he was a "sinner" like me. if anyone knows what he's up to these days, I'd love to talk to him again. he'd be about 30 now.
anyone from Belvidere or Rockford, IL?
by LuckyNun 8 Replies latest jw experiences
I ran away from home when he was in Bethel.
Does that make you a waif? How cool is that?! :-) You may be the first waif I've met online (though I meet plenty hanging out at the big city bus station).
My ex is from Sterling/Rockfalls, I'll ask her if she knows the name. It's a small, incestious place, northern IL, so we can hope!
Welcome to the forum, hope you make it a habit, LuckyNun.
It's a small, incestious place, northern IL, so we can hope!
LOL @ 6of9
I grew up in Barrington, Illinois...da burbs of Chicago....knew people in the Carol Stream, Barrington, Elgin, and Algonquin Congreagtions....
hemp lover
I don't know David Hunter but my ex-sister-in-law was from Belvidere. Do you know Chrissie Gomez?
Ex of 6 of 9
Let the incest begin!
holy crap! yeah, I know Chrissie Gomez. her sister Debi and my sister Lisa were best friends. her brother Eric was one of those JW-Lite kids, who never got teased at school and somehow managed to stay off the elders' shit list. mainly because his dad was an elder for a while.
hemp lover
very small world, indeed. the jw world, that is. i remember Debi and Eric. i think Eric played drums in my brother's (Chrissie's ex) garage band.
is Chrissie still df'ed or did she get sucked back in?
I've been gone since late 1993, so I'm horribly behind the times with the Belvidere Congregation. apparently, most of the people I grew up with moved away, and there's a bunch of new families. my parents are still outcasts, so they never know any dirt.
Hi! I don't know the person you are looking for but I lived in Mendota for a while when I was a kid. Good luck on your search.