Paying legal fees out of the world wide work fund is it legal to do it? First we need to know what the purpose is for having a www fund.
I'm not computer savvy or an "IT" when it comes to putting information together to show here like so many others here can.
Will someone explain how the watchtower society can legally use the www fund to pay out monies, legal fees and court directed payments to the one who have been sexually abused by pedophiles from the watchtower organization.
Again what is the sole purpose in establishing the www fund?
Is it not for Kingdom interest world wide and not to use it to pay out their guilty criminal activity. Is that misappropriation of funds, pilfering those funds.Using those funds for a dishonest use? Actually stealing Kingdom funds to settle their sexual child abuse and pedophilia criminal activity?
I do want the victims of sexual child abuse and pedophilia to receive whatever the courts have imposed levied against the watchtower society.
However for the watchtower to use www funds to buy its way out of prison and or jail time even though the courts are only imposing monetary fines is to me illegal.
Does the watchtower legal department have loopholes they are jumping through to do this?
After all is not that money donated by the rank and file { including me when I was a watchtower slave for 33 years] for the sole purpose of Kingdom interest worldwide?