With all the bethel leaks. I started to think about the levels of PIMOS with in bethel as apposed to the Rank and file. Would there be higher rates of PIMOs Bethel due to seeing the more unsavoury side of it. Or would it be lower due to believing it Jehovah’s one true organisation here on earth. What do you think.
Rates of PIMOs in bethel as apposed to R&F
by joe134cd 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
road to nowhere
The leaks cant be newbies. So there must be some long time upper echelon who are keeping their " "retirement" and aiding apostates. We have had exleriences of bethel life that ring true.
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joe - evels of PIMOS
We may never know. Life and the thought process are not black and white. There are shades and nuances in all cultures and walks of life. Bethel or not, there are hangers on and leavers. The unsure. The 'will keep holding on no matter what, brigade'.
I suppose what I'm saying in a nutshell is, 'dunno.'
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Would there be higher rates of PIMOs Bethel due to seeing the more unsavoury side of it.
I never "served" at Bethel. But I was an elder for many years and I was involved in the Borg politics at the Circuit and District level. The higher you go, the more evident is all the politics and bullshit. I would not be surprised that someone at Bethel sees a lot more BS goings on there than the average R&F JW lapping up the Koolaid.
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I honestly feel that Watchtower may claim to have 8 million Jw's worldwide. But I think if you minus the Pimo's from the super uber dubs there would be less then 2 million or less then that.
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Every religion has members who don’t believe. From my experience the numbers of sceptical adherents is probably higher in other religious groups than JWs because it’s easier to be a nominal member of other groups.
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I think seeing the unsavory side of the WT by living in Bethel has been an eye opener to many, but many of these still believe it is Jehoobers org. and put it down to "imperfect men".
We had a lad from our Congo 30 years or so ago, go the Bethel, when he had been there for about a year, he said to me, "There is nothing Spiritual there". To my knowledge he is still a J.W. I think many are like this, eyes partially opened, but they do not look further in to it.
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