Watchtower Organizational Structure

by Wild_Thing 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Wild_Thing

    Does anyone know of any diagrams online that show the CURRENT hierarchical structure of the Watchtower compared to the previous hierarchical structures of the past. I know they have complicated it on purpose to try to protect themselves legally from lawsuits. I would like to try to understand their current structure compared with the past. Thanks

    Wild Thing

  • waton

    There was one here of the interior of a bird cage.

  • Wild_Thing
    There was one here of the interior of a bird cage.

    Was this one you were thinking of? :)

  • waton

    thanks wild thing. The keepers of the bird cage of course, the real hierarchy, are not shown.

  • scratchme1010

    That picture pretty much sums it up. Accurate.

  • smiddy3

    Thanks Wild- Thing that pic sums it up nicely

  • Wild_Thing

    It wasn't exactly what I was looking for, but it is pretty accurate. Haha!

    If anyone knows of anything a little bit more useful, please send it my way. Every once in a while, there is something like this topic that I get interested in researching. The ever-changing structure of the Watchtower Society since its inception is a topic of interest to me lately.

  • slimboyfat

    Remember the famous WT visual showing the level of comfy chair depending on position in the organisation? On the cedars page (you may need to paste it in):

  • Wild_Thing

    Thank you for the link slimboyfat. That is very useful. And that pic you described is hilarious!

    I would like to know more about their structure(s) that they have set up legally. I would like to read more about how they have set up separate legal entities to protect themselves from lawsuits.

  • Listener

    Wikipedia is a good place to find some information.

    Try this link for a start-

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