Do you have a pet JW?

by dmouse 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • dmouse

    I have.

    She's an old friend of the family - on my mother's side. She and my mum have been friends since before I was born.

    Madeline is an independent thinker, much to the ire of her congregation. A strong willed woman but very loyal to the 'Truth'. I've had many a stimulating conversation with her. She refuses to be cowed by the elders and recently forced an elder to admit that mistakes have been made with the handling of child-abuse cases.

    I met her last night to talk about the possible new light (max 120 years 'generation' from 1914). She said that she didn't see it...BUT also admitted that herself and most of the brothers didn't catch on to the previous 'generation' change until about six months after the apostates did!

    I've asked her to put out feelers regarding the Watchtower study in January when the possible new light will be discussed. She has agreed to float the idea and get opinions of the bruvas on this.

    It's quite handy having a friendly JW to tap for information.

  • JamesThomas

    Yes, do keep us informed. The Witnesses will grab on to 1934, for ever since the beginning of the Witnesses it has always been about the end. By the way, there are four cats and six chickens on this property; one may be a JW, I'll have to ask. j

  • Satanus

    Yes, i keep it in the basement. It is really low maintainence. I let it out three times a week, and throw it a new mag each week. Oh, and for a couple of hours on saturday mornings.


  • gumby
    It's quite handy having a friendly JW to tap for information.

    Well ,don't put to much stock in one individuals understanding. You can get various answers from various dubs on various subjects. As you said......the witnesses were 6 months behind the heathen apostate bastards in the generation change.

    It's nice you have a friend who is still a dub. Is Madeline black? The reason I say this is because it's only the black brothers and sisters that will speak to me if they see me. They seem much more compassionate than whites..... at least in the ex-dub compassion department.( I'm a white honky btw )


  • Stephanus
    By the way, there are four cats and six chickens on this property; one may be a JW, I'll have to ask.

    Good call, James. Of all the members of the animal kingdom it's obvious that cats were first in line when "smug bastard" was being handed out! And since Dubs are so smug, with their holier-than-thou attitude and their meat in due season direct from Jehovah's table, I wouldn't at all be surprised if you had a Dub cat or two.

  • morty

    .I remember one of the last times I went to the hall..( about 18 years ago.) My youngest brother, which was 5 or 6 at the time took our kitten the kingdumb hall..Petting..He had it in out family brief case and mom and dad did not know till we started singing the first song....OMG....I can still their faces now...Little brother was bound and bent that this kitten was going to get to the kingdumb hall some how or another....He did not want to let the kitten to stay at the house by himself.....Needless to say, dad had to walk right past everyone standing up singing with this little kitten in his hands out the door...My dad still talks, about the embarssement he went through carrying out that kitten....But, we also have a damn good laugh about it...


    sorry for hyjacking the thread...but this story reminded me of it,and wanted to share...

  • starfish422

    LMAO James!!!!!

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