I have.
She's an old friend of the family - on my mother's side. She and my mum have been friends since before I was born.
Madeline is an independent thinker, much to the ire of her congregation. A strong willed woman but very loyal to the 'Truth'. I've had many a stimulating conversation with her. She refuses to be cowed by the elders and recently forced an elder to admit that mistakes have been made with the handling of child-abuse cases.
I met her last night to talk about the possible new light (max 120 years 'generation' from 1914). She said that she didn't see it...BUT also admitted that herself and most of the brothers didn't catch on to the previous 'generation' change until about six months after the apostates did!
I've asked her to put out feelers regarding the Watchtower study in January when the possible new light will be discussed. She has agreed to float the idea and get opinions of the bruvas on this.
It's quite handy having a friendly JW to tap for information.