I'm sorry, but I'm not very good at searching. So this may have been discussed and I missed it. I understand after two years, Isaiah is done. But what's the new book being studied?
subject of new study book?
by kgfreeperson 8 Replies latest watchtower bible
It is the revision of the United in Worship Book, Worship the True God. 3 chapters were dropped, one on blood, 2 having to do with the anointed.
Thanks! Are the dropped chapters indication of new light to come?
Certainly looks like that's what they're up to, doesn't it, KGFree? They'll never drop the idiot, murderous blood fallacy soon enough, IMO, but as we all know, Bethel doesn't take responsibility for anything it demands, so it has to progress at an organic rate to the point where loyal Dubs will be saying "There was never a ban on blood transfusions!". Of course, one or two good court decisions in some key jurisdictions will blow the whole exercise out the window in short order. I'm hoping for the latter.
Lawyer's briefing fee: $400
Judge's Order Against the Watchtower: $5m
Look on Watchtower Legal's Faces: Priceless!
got my forty homey?
Thats amazing! After I read Raymond Franz's book on Christian Freedom these were two topics as well as door to door work which truly overcame what doubts I had inside about "The truth". Maybe all the while it's Ray Franz who has the "light" and the Faithful and discreet slave have fallen a sleep at the throttle!
I doubt it. The 2 on the anointed were dropped because of too many new people's preoccupation with being anointed...i.e., the increase in the number of "anointed" until just recently. The one of blood obscures the issue for new people. This Worship book and the Knowledge book are the 2 recommended books to study with new people. The Knowledge book has little info on blood too. The goal seems to get people baptized before they really know what they are getting into. The practice of DF'ing and its implications is another topic that is treated that way.
For example, this is all that is said about DFing in the Knowledge book
p. 138 Whose Authority Should You Recognize?If a Christian who has committed a grave sin accepts Scriptural discipline and reproof and gives evidence of genuine repentance, he will be helped. Of course, persistent and unrepentant violators of God?s law are disfellowshipped.?1 Corinthians 5:9-13.
Blondie -
Sitting on the outside looking in, you gotta love it!
"A Christian who has commited a grave sin". Am I the only one that has never heard of someone getting the shaft for a real GRAVE SIN, but thousands being ousted for very minor infractions? (having a smoke, Xmas tree, any holiday, asking questions, matter of dress, etc., etc.)
The only reason I know what the study book is........ is because my mother write me and says.. I know you aren't attending meetings any more, but I sent you the schedule and hope you are keeping up on your own ANY WAY..
yeah.. right... sure mom... -
.. I know you aren't attending meetings any more, but I sent you the schedule and hope you are keeping up on your own ANY WAY..
yeah.. right... sure mom...It's obviously her way of coping. If she can believe that she's helping you stay a Dub "in spirit", if not in observance, then it will keep her from having to confront harsh reality, or so it would seem.