Blondie's citing of the book on emotional blackmail made me think about books I have found helpful in working through "issues" and I wonder what other people have relied on and found especially important. ¶I first bought "Taming your Gremlin" when it first came out in the mid-eighties. It's just been reissued and I'm working my way through it again. Works for me!
What books are/have been helpful to you?
by kgfreeperson 7 Replies latest jw friends
In Search Of Christian freedom,Crisis of Conscience,the mental health of JWS Gerry Bergman.
Recently read about the persecuted churches THE HEAVENLY MAN.
Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway
Ultimate Power, by Anthony Robbins
I'm a self help book junkie!
"Come back to mama" by the WtBTS
All the books listed on the banner up above. (it floats by every once in awhile )
Penton's book
Carl Olaf Jonnson's books
"True Believer" by Eric Hoffer
M. Scott Peck's books, starting with "A Road Less Traveled"
Stephen Hassen's books, especially "Combatting Mind Control"
But as someone already state, the 2 most influential were Raymond Franz's 2 books. "Crisis of Concience" and "In Search of Christian Freedom"
This past few months I've been reading Karen Armstrong's books on Battle for God, History of God, Budah, etc
I would have to say COC and Penton's book. After that I would list Christian Science by Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain).
got my forty homey?
"Lies my teacher taught me." was a good book that opened my eyes to the discovery of America by Columbus and the history of the formation of America as a colony and government.
Another one was Crisis of Conscience and Search of Christian Freedom which took away any self doubts I had about the organization. Before that time I still felt as if I left the "truth", but after reading it many questions I always had about organization beliefs were answered.
Helpful for what? The Blue Series of Biological Sciences helped me most to understand fundamental biochemistry! Organic Chem texts were a bitch! unless you enjoy nomenclature!