2023-01-S-147-Announcements And Reminders.
2023-01-S-147-Announcements And Reminders!
by Atlantis 9 Replies latest jw friends
Click image to enlarge.Page 1. https://postimg.cc/MfWXd5RvPage 2. https://postimg.cc/5HBxTvfvPage 3. https://postimg.cc/214RSDgNPage 4. https://postimg.cc/YGTbF4mnAtlantis! -
thank you Atlantis
JW GoneBad
Expect this type of announcement to be made in the next day or so:
"The Governing Body is pleased to announce that the 2022 Service Year Grand Totals will be released after a more careful review of the unexpected and unexplained decreases from dozens of different countries including the United States are further analyzed."
:) :) :)
ThanK Atlantis ... and Happy New Year :)
Thanks from me too Atlantis and Petra . Happy New Year to you both.
JW GoneBad:
Always welcome, and everyone have a safe and happy New Year!
Big Thanks Atlantis! -
St George of England
Thank you very much for that.
One small detail I noticed is that to use the HLC you ask an elder for the contact information and then contact the HLC yourself. Previously all contact was made via the elder. At least that is how it was some years ago when I was in hospital.
Thank you Atlantis.
First thing I notice is that the letter lays the blame on the lowly publisher for not obtaining a better outcome ddue to not contacting HLC far enough in advance, IN AN EMERGENCY. Well excuse us! I guess we need to plan medical emergencies in advance now!
Perhaps it is just me, I noticed that the Announcements For Elders in Paragraph 2 subparagraph 2 states "When a publisher requests HLC assistance, FIRST contact the HLC to provide the following information: Spiritual standing of publisher and his family. . ." (Bold and italics mine) It sounds like any help will be exactly like the JW "love" they brag about. . .CONDITIONAL!
I base that opinion on paragraph 3 which indicates it is only after step 2 that the oh so important elder would provide the HLC information to the lowly publisher.
The elders giveth, and the elders taketh away I guess.
Beth Sarim
Atlantis thanks!!