Real reason why Russian government is trying to ban JW's
by LevelThePlayingField 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I understand what the video is trying to imply. But it should be noted if the Russian definition for extremism is simply believing that your religion is the right religion then all religions should be banned. I garrentee that if you were to do a survey of the Russian people asking them if they believe their religion is the right way, most would say Yes.
Also the Bible teaches exclusivity (Ephesians 4: 4-6). So according to this extremism law, now even the Bible should be banned.
I understand that the creator of this video must hate JW's. But this issue is not a JW issue's a human rights issue. The right to believe whatever you wish, so as long as you don't impede on the freedom of others.
I remember the WT interpretation (i.e. their prophecy) on events before Armageddon regarding the attack by politicians (Political world) on religion. It was said it would start with attack on false religion and then end with an attack on true religion (WT of course). Well, in that sense we could say that it does not end with the WT but it all might start with WT, meaning WT is synonym for false religion....or is my interpretation wrong???
I like your thinking menrov !
Hi menrov,
Your interpretation requires some refining.
According to WT interpretation, the United Nations (UN), will attack false religion (not Russia or any other country).
Hi DW, strictly speaking, you are right, though Russia is a UN (security) member. At the same, in many WT discourses the political world in general was mentioned. I dare to say if the ban was to only other denominations ,excluding WT, most JWs would say that the ban is the sign that the political world is turning against religion.
mrTheocratic: But this issue is not a JW issue's a human rights issue. The right to believe whatever you wish, so as long as you don't impede on the freedom of others.
It is the last part of your sentence that the JWs have a problem with.
so as long as you don't impede on the freedom of others
The issue is how you define "freedom of religion" - within that concept is the "freedom from religion" and that is the freedom of others that the JWs violate all the time - they will not leave other people alone.
Drearyweather: According to WT interpretation, the United Nations (UN), will attack false religion (not Russia or any other country).
Oh. So that explains the cozy relationship between the JWs and the UN and why the UN is the JWs friend now. -
Mad Irishman
Jehovah's Witnesses have been banned by many other countries before. If you want freedom for all then you have to give it to all. And in Russian they are trying to ban all religion that is not the Orthodox Church. It is a political ruse to gain support of the majority of Russian people. I think by now everyone would understand that Putin is trying to take over the world.
The real reason seems to be utter failure of WT machinery to do damage control. Look at the depth into which the Russian government has gone against JWs: “The warnings against Jehovah’s Witnesses have stacked up over the past decade in particular, with dozens of regional charges of extremism and more than 80 of its books, pamphlets, and other texts (including its magazine, The Watchtower) banned in Russia, according to The Moscow Times.
Last Tuesday’s suit comes a year after the government launched an investigation against the national headquarters in St. Petersburg. Police raided an average of three Jehovah’s Witnesses centers a month in 2016, Forum 18 reported. In areas where the group has already been banned, police cite their criticism of traditional Christianity and Orthodoxy—as well as their objection to military service—as grounds for the extremist label”
I agree with what she says at the end...."the Governing Body are the ones who should receive prison time, not the individuals."