I cannot believe I let 7 men in new york tell me god didn't consider me righteous. How do people that believe in god put up with this crap!! No wonder in all my years i had a hard time praying.
"Righteous in a sense"
by floridaborn 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
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Yes a relative righteousness bestowed on those with an earthly hope in association with the remnant of spiritual Israel under the auspices of the faithful and wise servant. So say the GB of God's visible organization on earth.
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Funny how the majority of Anointed around the World including Sisters have absolutely no say in organizational matters even at local Kingdom Hall level yet when the die they can sit beside the throne of Jesus Christ and rule as King priests ?
Women (Sisters ) apparently are turned into males to be Kings and not Queens , OH and they also grow beards
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5 hours ago5 hours ago
I cannot believe I let 7 men in new york tell me god didn't consider me righteous. How do people that believe in god put up with this crap!!
When you ask about " religious people " do you mean all believers or just JWs ?
l am not growing a beard for anyone , l like being a woman .
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JWs are the only religious people i know that would allow being told they are not righteous and just accepting it.
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So 7 "imperfect men" that make up the gb now believe that they get to determine who and who are not righteous? And, based on the FACT that the bible calls Lot (the incestuous dude who banged his own daughters) a "righteous man", I'd rather be considered unrighteous. And, who was it that determined that Lot was righteous?
just saying!
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LOL. "In a sense".
How well would that fly in other contexts?
Husband to wife on anniversary: "Honey, I love you, in a sense."
Parent: "Johnny, how do you explain these Fs on your report card?" Johnny: "In a sense, I passed all classes with flying colors."
District attorney: "Did you or did you not pull the trigger and kill the victim?" Defendant: "Well, sure, my finger did the work, but In a sense, I did not pull it."
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