With my wife, and son we went to an Elton John concert in November. The experience was almost ruined by a security guard saying my son was to young to attend the concert, but we simply joined a different entry point and luckily sneaked him in, by Orlando hiding behind my wife as we presented the tickets.
My after thoughts observations are:-
A) I purchased the tickets months before and to my knowledge no age of entry was mentioned.
B) So sad my boy could at 11 years old be denied an opportunity to miss seeing a world superstar ( at 67 Elton can't perform much longer)
My point is, the organizers of these concerts should know when a rock show is alcohol, sex, and decadence and when it's a family event that children should be privaliged to attend, without sneaking in. ( my boy is a tall 11 year old, and to have to sneak him in to Elton John and a quality music experience I felt was sad)