Kelpie has moved house.

by BLISSISIGNORANCE 4 Replies latest watchtower bible


    Hi everyone.....................just touching base.

    Today my hubby and I saw Kelpie and her man. We helped them a bit with their move. They had done most of it with some other friends (an inactive dub included) but we still managed to lend a hand and then enjoy a has been bloddy hot here today! and the beer went down very easily. In Australia there is a drink called a shandy, it's 1/2 beer 1/2 lemonade...............Kelpie has invented a drink of her own.................we named it a's 1/2 beer 1/2 coke OMG......................Kelpie has invented a new drink!!!!!!!!!!! I wasn't game to try it. I just had straight beer.................much safer! LOL

    So they are settling into their lovely new place and are presently at a Xmas party playing pitch'n'putt! Kelpie is well and will be back on the forum soon, if she survives the cocktail she invented.

    We may be dropping in to visit them tomorrow so I'll take all your best wishes to her, OK!

    Cheers, Bliss

  • morty

    Glad to hear everything went well and all was enjoyed by topping it off with a good ale!...Here in Canada, a Shandy is 1/2 beer and 1/2 gingerale...It makes for a morning cocktail recovery drink.....( hang-over helper..)

    What good friends you were to help them move....You know who your true friends are when there is work to be done and there is no exchange of money....This says alot about your charactor....

    At least you were not moving in -5 below frezzing blowen snow....thats what it is doing here today...also with 80kil winds....

    wanna trade weather?


  • Noumenon

    wot's this got to do with bible research & study articles?

    wot's this got to do with bible research & study articles?

    Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, nothing! But did I ever claim to be perfect????????????? LOL

    Picky, picky!

    Cheers, Bliss

  • Gadget

    I know a few people who've tried a 'boke', and its meant to be pretty good. I've never had it myself though... I'm glad things are going well for her, but can we borrow a bit of your heat please, we're a bit short on it here too.

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