Jehovah wanted us to have sushi!

by mpatrick 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • mpatrick

    My friend and I went to have sushi yesterday, the place is downtown and believe it or not, there was an open parking spot right in front of their friend pulled right in and said "Jehovah must want us to have sushi today"...Imao still!

  • Been there
    Been there

    Hi Michelle, good to see you on the board. How are you doing? Great I hope. Good to hear God is still pulling strings for you. Heard anything from Charlie?

  • SpunkyChick
    SpunkyChick friend pulled right in and said "Jehovah must want us to have sushi today"...Imao still!

    LOL! too funny!

  • mpatrick

    Hello Been there! I am doing good and very excited about the holidays! Charlie is good, he is now living in Covington with his significant other. We should all try to get together soon...I had a really good time last time even though we were the only ones to show...LOL! Hey, it was about this time last year...remember...we went Christmas shopping!

    Good to hear God is still pulling strings for you.

    Yeah, I thought he had forgotten about me...obviously not...not only did we get prime parking, the food was excellent too!


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