for all or all time?

by enoughisenough 8 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • enoughisenough

    pasting this page for Hebrews 10:10

    it speaks of Jesus sacrifice for ALL ( as in all peoples ) or is it for all time? as in once is enough.

    the NWT reads, "once for all time" as does a few others. Most leave out the word time-"once for all"

    It is obvious why the NWT would read "all time"? What is your take? Does the scripture refer to Jesus sacrifice for all as in people or is it about time?( one time only)

  • cofty
    Have you tried comparing an online greek text? The same biblehub website has one I think
  • cofty
  • cofty

    Once for all time doesn't seem out of context to be fair.

    The writer is contrasting the work of the High Priest who offers sacrifice again and again, day after day, with the single event of the death of Jesus.

  • jhine
  • jhine

    Sorry , l managed to put the 2 screenshots in the wrong order.

    They are taken from a site called Bibleref . There is more on there but these 2 snippets explain it well , l think .


  • BluesBrother

    Have to agree that the context reads as though he is saying that Jesus’ sacrifice was once only in contrast to repeated animal sacrifices. Looking at Blue Letter Bible site the dictionaries support this translation. The NWT is by no means alone in its rendition.

  • enoughisenough

    thanks for all thoughts on this. Even without the NWT, I would have thought time...the reason I questioned it,I listened to a person reading it to a JW with the emphasis in such a way as to make them think all people.

  • Vidiot

    For all time. Always.

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