My daughter called today laden down with wrapped presents for all family who are coming over holiday. She did not say at first but she had seen a group of witnesses working the street. When the rebellion wen I went expecting the postman, but my daughter rushed first and told me to sit down as it was the witnesses. She knew I would be polite but not get involved but she opened door and two. JWs on step, one was cong secretary for many years when I was PO. Before they could speak she told them she was not interested and to NEVER call again. The former secretary was involved with the JC process when my daughters child abuse by an elder was dealt with. He, the abuse, many years ago, was removed but not DFd and JC was a complete shambles. Lots of distress for family and no help from CO or Branch. The abuser WAS DFd for fornication some years later, what an insult that was, abuse children, smack on wrist, commit adultery,, your out! Whole thing was so bad it destroyed my wife's health, I blame it for causing my brain tumour and of course girls life trashed. Our families ,sadly, put organisational loyalty above their grandchildren s well eng and safety. Needless to say abuse was removed but no one warned about him and I was clearly told to keep quiet.
Needless to say, in. Time we all stopped going or being involved at alToday my daughter let the two at the door have it with both barrels . Reminding the former secretary how he let us down, how child abusers let loosin congs, how innocent warned off their duty of alerting parents to dangers posed their children, she went thru shambles of GJs ARC appearance, farce of the two witness rules, money before people attitude of Society thru GB. Changes in onc firm and positive teachings. She hardly pauses for breath. Finally she tole them to never call again as their organisation had caused ouramily so much hurt.
when she came in she was fuming, but said she had to see them an not me I would be polite but not interested. So it was time for a celebratory cup of tea!
At memorial time witnesses worked her rad and put thru letterbox an invite , she picked it up, found the rout on the street an ripped the invite up in front. Them n handed the pieces over. A sister tried to talk to he saying ho my daughters mother had been one ofher bridesmaids, ". We're where you when we needed help as a family and the organisation let us down" asked daughter. "Never, ever, put anything thru my door again" and she marched n.
Proud of her, sad their calling dragged up so many appalling memories , we went to court and it was devastating, he acquitted but the JC. attended as observers at branchs directiothey noted he lied thru his teeth and had a clever barrister who destroyed my girls when they gave evidence, so much they had to be carried from witness box. Only good news was Social Servics issued an order banning him from being resident in his home as his wife and he had a young child.
After many years he wrote to my wife and I apologising for his actions. Gave copy of letter to chairman of his original JC, who told me that he now disfellowshipped and branch directed that if e appealed his apple would fail as he Either. A liar or a child abuser . He not been heard of lately tho he was badly beaten up some years ago by unknown assailants. Wonder who told them about him?
So full marks to daughter for boldness andfor recovering so well from abuse, she now married and has a high flying professional career. My wife and I never forgiveourlves for letting this man into our lives and doing so much damage.
laugh just typed Damage (above)0n iPad and it changed it to. Drage! Bethel strikes back. Ron Drage for years a heavy in London