Watchtower to be stripped of Charitable status

by Diogenesister 9 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Diogenesister

    Australian Senator Anna Rushton has said that all orgs who "don't take reasonable steps to join the redress scheme" will be stripped of their charitable status come Feburary 2021.

  • smiddy3

    What I want to know is why does the date keep on changing ?

    Wasn`t the deadline December the 31st? and wasn`t that after it had been changed once or twice before ?

  • shepherdless

    Good question, Smiddy. Don’t have a good answer for that.

    Here is an ABC radio interview with a lawyer involved in suing the Borg on behalf of victims:

    The last minute and half is probably the most interesting.

    Another point about the interview with Senator Anne Rushton is that she appears to confirm that the effect of the Borg losing its charitable status is that the Borg will have to pay tax on all donations by its adherents.

  • smiddy3

    Angela Sdrisis ,told ABC news reporter "it has been going on far too long" the lawyer involved in the case.

    And ain`t that the truth .

    I`m thinking that if the Borg signs up to the Redress Scheme ,they will be admitting there is a problem with child sex abuse in the organization and also admitting it`s not Apostate lies, as they have been telling the congregants for so long. ?

    It could be a twofold effect on WT ,in that they wont get Govt. funds as a Charitable Institution and they would also have to pay taxes themselves.

    And that`s going to hit where it hurts ? loss of income . YEAAAAAA

    Bring it on.

  • DesirousOfChange


    Broken piggy bank — Stock Photo © belchonock #103084652

  • resolute Bandicoot
    resolute Bandicoot

    Anybody up for a zoom cork pop in Feburary 2021?


  • Vidiot
    smiddy - "I`m thinking that if the Borg signs up to the Redress Scheme ,they will be admitting there is a problem with child sex abuse in the organization and also admitting it`s not Apostate lies, as they have been telling the congregants for so long."


    And they would rather piss broken glass than cop to that...

    ...because a long-standing, endemic, and institutionalized problem like CSA undermines their claim of being "God's Exclusive Earthly Organization" like nothing else.

    And at this point, that claim is really the only truly effective source of cohesion amongst the R&F.


    Lest we forget, said problem has arguably become so long-standing, endemic, and institutionalized directly because of said claim.

    They simply would not consider that their vaunted "Biblical" standards and policies - so superior and effective than anything "Satan's World" could come up with - would not only fail to solve the problem, but actually make it worse.

  • Diogenesister
    Lest we forget, said problem has arguably become so long-standing, endemic, and institutionalized directly because of said claim.
    They simply would not consider that their vaunted "Biblical" standards and policies - so superior and effective than anything "Satan's World" could come up with - would not only fail to solve the problem, but actually make it worse.

    Yup. And joining the redress puts you on the list just like everybody else. With the terrifying realisation you are no different to any other religion, the whole pack of cards comes tumbling down.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    "Yup. And joining the redress puts you on the list just like everybody else. With the terrifying realisation you are no different to any other religion, the whole pack of cards comes tumbling down."

    All you have to do to help put your mind at ease WHEN this happens is read Ray Franz' books ''Crisis of Conscience'' and ''In Search of Christian Freedom''.

    Not IF this happens, but WHEN it happens,

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Watchtower to be stripped of Charitable status - good news, and not before time.

    The WTS is a cult, not a charity.

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