All Hail Our Illustrious Dictator!

by Simon 6 Replies latest social current

  • Simon

    Following the Trudeau government creating a special $600m fund for journalists to write nice things about him prior to the previous election, this week has also seen Elections Canada / the RCMP interview an independent journalist who wrote a critical piece about him and they've now announced that in future you'll need a special license, from the Trudeau government, to be allowed to write news articles reporting on what the Trudeau government does.

    What. The. Fuck.

    Those people who whine about the fiction that Trump is some kind of dictator should look north and reflect - we're actually living it, it's real, he wants Canada to be like China, because they are the country he most admires due to their "really great dictatorship" (his words, but not widely reported, see previous rules).

    Oh, and they want to take guns off law-abiding citizens, and also pledge to import millions of low-IQ (violent & feckless) UN immigrants. We'll be the last country to shut the border to Coronavirus-carrying, live-animal eating, Chinese plague-carriers because "diversity something something".

    Fuck you Trudeau, you're a brainless piece of shit. Report that you useless mother-fucker of a man-child!

    WEXIT can't happen soon enough - we need to unshackle ourselves from eastern Canada as they are on a suicide mission.

    Dear America / President Trump - forget about Greenland, we have oil ... please let us become the 51st state.

  • StephaneLaliberte

    So, who's the independant journalist you are talking about

  • Simon
  • LongHairGal


    Canada is a beautiful place and I would hate to see it degenerate into a hell-hole because of liberal politicians. This is suicide.

    The bottom line:..all this so-called diversity, globalism, multiculturalism is to inflict hordes of people from third-world countries on Western nations where they can leech off taxpayers and bring crime, terrorism and every other social ill imaginable - and turn formerly beautiful and orderly societies into a no-mans land.

    I hope some change occurs to prevent this tragedy from happening.

  • waton

    Just look at the cabinet. and the opposition wearing turbans.

    It used to be chivalry to lift your hat, (in the 1930s.)Trudeau for turbans.

  • Simon

    Turbans are not an issue - Jagmeet Singh is poor because of his policies, not what he wears on his head.

  • minimus

    Liberals ruin governments.

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