The urge to return to our past is interesting. Lately I have found that many of the perceptions of my early childhood were so skewed, that when I return (if only in my dreams) it is for clarification, to attempt to understand what "really happened" from the adult point of view. Most of my relatives are so closed mouthed about things that are important to me now. They don't wish to speak of those times--even my mom--and that tends to make me even more curious. It has been difficult, though I have found that I have one aunt, by marriage, who is always happy to help me out. She is 84 and has an excellent memory. We've had some nice discussions.
Things seen in the eyes of children are so innocent. Children don't dissect people, they just take what they find, what they see, what they hear, what they feel and build lives around those things. It's cognition, and sometimes it can be damaged. It can seriously affect the psyche of who we are and how we grow into adults.
If you are continually being drawn to a place or a person, it is usually to get some clarification. Familiar places that hold both good and bad memories are all part of the garden we were born into. For some of us, the garden was filled with some nasty weeds, and we have to eventually get rid of those "weeds" so we can truly smell the flowers that grew there.
Very nice house.