I can't keep up...

by one_ugly_time 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • one_ugly_time

    Thank you all for all the great info. The list of great posters on this site is much too long for me to remember. I have searched and read quite a bit and recently decided to post and add a few of my thoughts and dry humor. But I must say, the Active Topics moves so fast that I simply can't keep up.

    I need more time in my life to absorb more of this material and spit back out my thoughts. Like all the insane comments I could add to Blondie's recent post about the WT comments. And I really want to add to Lady Lee's deep, insightful material. I will only list these two tonight, but there are many many more.

    Like I said, I can't keep up, but, to comment on one other topic I saw, I don't believe that the number of responses is at all indicative of the relevancy of the material. I hope to post enough one day to help even one person understand that there is a shared pain, a common bond, and healing way for the human condition we all find ourselves in.

    That would be enough for me to say thanks for all that I have been able to read here. And if I can keep my children out of cults, abusive situations, and relationships built upon "inherited" dysfunctions that would be enough for me to say thanks for all the awareness that I have gained by honestly feeling what others have endured.

    I have a long way to go to get rid of my dysfunctions, my haughtiness, my obsessions, my undercutting looks of disapproval, my unintentional loaded language, my destructive mannerisms of mismatched behavior/voice tone/actual words, and most of all my internal feelings of disgust and low self-esteem. I am becoming aware that these issues are not isolated to me. I am starting to feel better writing responses, even if they don't get posted. I am slowly, slowly walking the fine line between over the edge anger, which will cause me to destroy everything in my path, and staying stuck. I am finally trying to really connect with people for the first time in my adult life.

    It's looking like this process is going to take me a while, so I'm not going to try to keep up... I'll be around in spurts.

    Hi and Thanks.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    One time

    Do what you can, as you can. There is no schedule, no timetable. We are each on our own path. I am please dif some of my writings have helped you along the way. Thanks.

    Glad you joined us and check in and read along as the time allows.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    You're going to be just fine.

  • JamesThomas

    O_U_T, Relax. Be patient and kind with yourself. Take time to just sit and really feel the warm tingly sense of life moving in and around you. Glad you are here. Visit when you can.

  • moonwillow

    Give yourself a chance to experience life. Slow down and see the small things in life most miss because they are in such a hurry. You'll have a blast and find a new you you didn't know existed.

  • one_ugly_time

    Lady Lee - Your writings are a pleasure. Glad to be here.

    Nathan - I've tried to eliminate fine (F*cked up, Insecure, Neurotic, Emotionally unstable) from my vocabulary , but as you can see that's just how I feel sometimes. Thanks for the welcome. Oh, and I didn't take it personal.

    James - I hope that isn't one of those paradise earth pictures. It's funny, I used to be one of the most patient people I knew. Now I feel like I'm always in a hurry, going no where. I will try to heed your advice. I am in an overwhelming state of confusion, emotional turmoil, and frustration.

    moonwillow - I like the name, and the avatar. I'm searching and searching every nook and cranny. I gotta be in there somewhere, I know I am, but I went into hiding so many years ago it is a struggle coming out.

    benjamin - Is that your real age? Can I come back and join you? I wish I had someone to talk to about my pains 25 years ago. Getting dump into life with no life skills, no social skills, and no self-awareness w/o support has been a difficult road. I wish you well in your endeavors, also. See you around.

  • Panda

    One_, I don't keep up w/ threads either, and sometimes I miss the realy good ones, find out and then search 'em out. Take your time and take it all in. I think you'll learn so so much. Don't give up on yourself, ever. Panda

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