This video in german private TVstation from this May in which a cellsaver is presented and explained and a blood saving new system is proposed.
Further a new blood saving system, namely some tubes or pipes are propagated which would save blood in the process. These pipes are smaller and only need 1/2 of human blood for the cell saver process. This is necessary in case of anemia.
No blood bags are visible at the patients beds any longer. And there is a good reason for that! "DANGEROUS BLOOD" is the title of the video.
'Risks are like at a mini-transplantation: body cells go from one body to another body, well-known minor risks like infection are known, also the fights of the immune system, if ever possible it should be avoided to submit a patient such a risk" explains Prof. Patrick Meybohm who works with Prof. Kai Zacharovski.
"Studies show that transfusions are more dangerous as assumed, after forein blood the risk of dying increases. cardiac infarction, renal failure, pneumonia, they shall even promote cancer...."
In the case of anemia the risk to die is very high. Shifting operations to a later date is proposed. The risk is higher about the factor 5 - 13 % at an operation with anemia. To avoid this we need a blood management. PBM includes also anemia treatment with ferrum infusions. The cellsaver collects lost blood during the operation. Any blood that can be collected from machines or the cell saver itself is collected and is given back to the patient and avoidance of foreign blood. Blood loss is therefore minimal.
Each drop even at taking of blood samples with the special tubes / custom product need only 1/2 blood as conventional tubes. At taking of samples from a patient under intensive care it can be that over about approx. 400-500 ml blood gets lost in the process of blood sampling over a day alone for the tubes. However as the computer and machines that analyze the samples need much less blood. So something had to be done. The size of the tubes was halved with the same quality.
Prof. Zacharovis demands from the politics that no patient should be allowed to undertake an operation with anemia. This should not happen anymore. And PBM should be a standard.
The film demonstrates very long the following graph, which I easily found in the internet.