Ever been at a meeting and had a power gum chewer in attendance? I mean, you can hear them smacking that gum from across the hall? I used to know someone like that. One time I saw her loading up. She took like six sticks of gum and crammed them in. The noise was distracting and it made me think that some people are not very self aware about certain things. They have no idea that they are an embarrassment to themselves and the whole congregation.
The sister I mentioned was actually counseled about it by the elders. All during the local needs part about not chewing gum at the meetings she smacked away looking right at the speaker. I know the elder was talking about her and so did everyone else.
I rolled my eyes and thought she was just some idiot who didn't even realize they were talking about what she was doing. But now, looking back, I see it as a blatant act of defiance. Now I'm starting to think that she was openly defying them in some small way. She's sort of a hero in a small way. She got away with it. She put one over on them. I think she figured out that they would never disfellowship her for chewing gum....Personally I hope it led to her leaving the JWs. Maybe it was the catalyst for more bravery on her part.
No. It turns out she indeed was just some idiot who didn't even realize they were talking about her and what she was doing. How do I know that you might wonder. The sister I spoke of is my own mother....