So I have said this for years. First it was being gay, then being a tranny and soon it would be OK to have sex with children and animals. Well the idiots on the left have started with the children.
Babbs says Wacko Jacko had sexual needs
by Thomasdam 7 Replies latest social current
For someone to even say those words, let alone in an interview, really shows how disconnected from the real world they are.
They live in their Hollywood bubble, surrounded by the putrid sleaze of the liberal elites, thinking they should be the harbingers of what passes as 'correct' behavior when it's just a flip-flop between virtue signalling and abuse.
Look at all the consequences to conservatives who have said mild and meaningless things. Yet there will be no real consequences for Streisand. There'll be no threat to her future work. She won't be held to account. There won't be late night talk show hosts crucifying her - it will all be glossed over because to their own group, they can do no wrong.
Thomasdam - "Well the idiots on the left have started with the children..."
Nothing new.
NAMBLA tried that decades ago, and where are they?
Oh, and BTW, none of the Leftists I know hold that view.
Streisand's just an idiot.
I have said this for years. First it was being gay, then being a tranny and soon it would be OK to have sex with children and animals. Well the idiots on the left have started with the children.
So you are saying that accepting people being gay was a slippery slope?
Funny this comment I find that as repugnant as what she said.
Thomasdam, you say, "First it was being gay..." Can you clarify what you mean? I would have thought that consensual sex between consenting adults without secular sanctions has absolutely no connection with adults wanting to or actually sexually abusing children. Moreover, while I am on the left on some issues, as I get older I tend to sympathize with the views of those on the right. To the best of my knowledge, left wing governments in the West have been very strong advocates of children's rights, including their right to be protected from any form of adult-initiated sexual contact.
BTW, when American blacks were first granted equal rights, conservatives predicted it would be the death knell of civilization. And, before that, when women fought for the right to vote, patriarchal interests predicted it would lead to a weakening of the political system.
It seems to me that whenever one group is trying to gain equal footing in the law, opponents wave the old bogey of the slippery slope.
Thomasdam, I'd be interested in your rationale for linking gay rights with the abuse of children. There may well be reasons that I have not yet considered.
Wasanelder Once
Jeffrey Dahmer had needs too Babs. Idiot
Thomasdam: First it was being gay, then being a tranny and soon it would be OK to have sex with children and animals.
Are you seriously equating being gay with pedophilia and bestiality? Educate yourself. You should be embarrassed to share your ignorance, prejudice, insensitivity and stupidity so openly.
First it was being gay, then being a tranny and soon it would be OK to have sex with children and animals.
There really is nothing worth saying to someone who's brain is that fucked up to think this way.