Joanne's Anagram updates

by Dogpatch 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dogpatch

    Joanne's amazing Anagrams!

    One of the things that helped Joanne cope with being brought up in a religious cult, was her fantastic sense of humour and her love of reading. Joanne told me that she and a friend used to be so board during the meetings, they would play word games just to pass the time. One of the things they would do was to guess or estimate the number of words in a pararaph or on the page they were studying, then count everyone and see who was the closest!

    28 years later, she gave up counting! ;-)

    One day, her attention was drawn to "Anagrams" and she decided to turn her hand to it. She said to me, "The Watchtower are experts at playing with words, lets see what comes from their own words!"

    She set to work and showed me a couple she had done, I was really amazed.

    So I looked on the internet to see if I could find any more Watchtower, Jehovah's witness related anagrams. Someone must have done some I thought, so I searched and searched but I found only the one !

    This was an anagram of their name / title, Jehovah's witness , and re-arranging these letters, using them all, and keeping it in contex, ( something the Watchtower find very difficult to do! ), you get...

    The Jewish Son saves!

    Amazing eh!

    If it wasn't so ironic, you could almost believe that God had hidden the truth in their own name , a truth they are so desperate to hide from people!

    But if that was the case, ;-) ...then check out the following:

    Joanne put pen to paper and came up with these original amazing anagrams!

    1. Governing body

    By God or vending?

    2. Paradise Earth

    Air reaps death!

    3. Revelation book

    Rate book on evil!

    4. Watchtower

    Crew to what?

    5. Public talk

    Pull it back!

    6. Harp of God

    O, hard goof!

    7. Circuit assembly

    Lies, but I cry scam!

    8. Evil slave

    Lies valve!

    9. Ministerial servant

    It strains servile man!

    10. Beth Sarim

    Sham tribe!

    11. Judicial meetings

    Lame justice, dig in!

    12. The New World Translations

    A wanton retell, thins words!

    13. Pioneer

    I peer on!

    14. Pioneer

    Ripe one!

    15. Field service

    Vice is freed!

    16. Field service

    Devils fierce

    17. Disfellowshipping

    Spells: if in God, whip!

    18. District overseer

    Ever do is restrict!

    19. Theocratic

    Hectic rota!

    20. Theocracy

    O, cry cheat!

    21. Armageddon

    God damn era!

    22. Armageddon

    An armed God!

    23. Sing praises to Jehovah

    Oh no!- vast Pharisee jigs!

    24. Insight on the Scriptures

    Gist - puts no Christ in here!

    25. Knowledge that leads to everlasting life

    Legends revealed- know that it fails, let go!

    26. Life- How did it get here! By evolution or creation?

    Weave fiction- no biology truth here, editor lied!

    27. The truth that leads to everlasting life

    EG: An evil faith- the latest truths retold!

    28. The finished mystery

    RE: Hefty myths inside!

    29. Gods stone witness

    No sense, twists God!

    30. Studies in the scriptures

    Us print the diciest ruses!

    31. The secret of family happiness

    Sect not happy- free life is sham!

    32. Your youth- Getting the best out of it

    Oy! It tethers you, but fight on, get out!

    33. All scripture is inspired of God and beneficial

    Crisis- IE: Our one is clipped, altered and baffling!

    34. Deliverance

    An evil creed!

    On our day out, Joanne just felt she had more revelations to offer, revealing the inner meanings of Watchtower book titles and Jehovah's witness wording. Joanne came out with 2 more, the last of which, is for me, just the best !

    Forget the "Bible code" just check these out for hidden truths! ;-)

    35. Reasoning from the Scriptures

    RE: Crap- outright nonsense!

    36. You can live forever in paradise on earth

    A liars prediction - never a heaven for you!

    Is there no stopping this girl!? Gifted? Maybe! Guided? Definately! ;-)

    37. This means everlasting life

    A lie enslaves, stir men- fight!

    38. The truth shall make you free

    You hear them sell fake truth!

    39. Is this life all there is?

    Hell. IE- Shiftiest liars!

    40. Our Lords return

    Re-run Lords tour!

    41. Our Lords return

    Old error- us turn!

    42. The great crowd

    Created growth!

    43. Circuit overseer

    Our severe critic!

    44. The presiding overseer

    It's depressing over here!

    45. The presiding overseers

    The inspired go reverse!

    46. The anointed

    Ah! detention!

    47. Kingdom Interlinear

    More in altred thinking!

    48. Pay attention to Daniels prophecy

    I con, yet play at anointed prophets!

    49. Should you believe in theTrinity?

    No! I bury the unholiest evil diety!

    50. Pay attention to yourselves and to all the flock

    A lackeys tool to spy, to unnerve, to dent all faith!

    It is worth remembering that to do these 50 anagrams,Joanne only used a pen a paper and NOT a computer with special software! Joanne has asked for any ideas, book titles, phrases to make more anagrams out of! She is suffering with extremely painful sciatica and doing these anagrams has taken her mind of the pain.

    As with the rest of the web site, please feel free to use these or share with a friend but we ask you not to alter them in any way. Thanks and have some fun!

    Any feedback or comments for Joanne, please e-mail them to [email protected]

  • Simon

    Wow !

    I remember passing the time during the meetings by trying to find as many words as I could made from "WatchTower" or "Kingdom Ministry" (in the old days, before it became "Kingdom Service" )

    I'm kind of relieved I wasn't the only one !!! LOL

  • joannadandy

    My friends and I weren't that clever...

    We just looked for great song titles or band names in the paragraph. We had really good material in the revelation book...heh heh

  • Oxnard Hamster
    Oxnard Hamster

    Wow, those are really clever. Some of the results are sort of freaky, because the anagrams reveal what is really hidden.

  • morty

    Holy Mackeral!!!!!

    What a sharp lady you have there...I would have never come up with all those in a million years...I thought I was doing well with counting the circles on the wall of that place,or counting the backs of the brothers heads and trying to figure out who had a wig on, and who did'nt

  • bebu

    My faves are Armageddon and Insight on the Scriptures. All of these are so ironic--thanks for posting them.

    I could never do this kind of thing. It really takes a special talent!


  • Gamaliel

    Impressive. I thought mine were good. Now I am ashamed.


  • worldlygirl

    "Faithful and discreet slave"


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