If JWs are trying to be separate from the world, then why do they do a lot of wordly things?
Why do they watch TV? Isn't that "Worldly" influence? Same with movies, secular music, video games, fictional books, etc. It's all propaganda of the SYSTEM, right?
Why do they socialize with worldly people? Okay, this one is probably more sanctioned than the first, but come on. I was never a Witness, but growing up, my two best friends were Witnesses. (Which, coincidentally, is how I met my now-husband, how is now an ex-JW) ... I was taken along on vacations with their families, for pete's sake. The Witness parents loved me. Me! A worldly girl! gasp! At least around here, it is very common for Witnesses to have wordly friends.
... and a little off the question, but it's hard to buy the whole "Government is evil" thing when they gladly buy into all the benefits of the government. Public education, public roads, utilities, public health care in SOME countries, social security, welfare (am I right on that one?)... lots of things you don't hear them complaining about. How do they suggest we live right now WITHOUT government? Can you fathom the chaos that would ensue without government? We cannot - and have not for millenia - existed without government of some kind. (Read some evolutionary biology texts if you want a look at theories of government in pre-civilized times.) Is their only argument that if EVERYONE were a Witness, the Watchtower could run the world? Well, then there would be no wicked ones to kill! So how would the world run if there were no government, as they seem to advocate?
sigh. Just my rants.