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Transcripts for Case Study 54 available
by OrphanCrow 8 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Thanks for that Orphan Crow. Now we got the goods.
This is going to make for one interesting read and the joining of the dots. Keep in mind Angus Stewart QC often divides up his line of questioning on a specific subject to break the chain of thought of the witness being questioned. Now we just have to put the puzzle together.
I don't read "The Watchtower Library" that O'Brien speaks about in this following exchange....but, is it true that The Watchtower Library, with copies of magazines going back to 1930, is accessible to everyone? Anytime I have wanted to access historical WT or Awake magazines, I have to search for them in places other than the org's website - older literature is not available on their site
MR O'BRIEN: No, I think the average member of
a congregation has exhaustive references to what we call
The Watchtower Library and subjects such as those you have
mentioned are considered in Watchtower articles that
everyone has access to.
MR STEWART: And many of those going back over a long
period of time?
MR O'BRIEN: And recent, yes. The most recent, back to,
I think, as far as 1930. -
There are a number of different Watchtower Library versions. What version you are authorized to have access to depends on how high up the Watchtower corporate ladder or JW religious hierarchy you are.
jwleaks: There are a number of different Watchtower Library versions. What version you are authorized to have access to depends on how high up the Watchtower corporate ladder or JW religious hierarchy you are.
Thanks, jwleaks. So that means that not "everybody", as O'Brien claims, has access to magazines going back to 1930.
These WT guys are such weasels
Is this why they wanted the old CD's of library discarded or destroyed. I thought as much..
Yes I thought that was a nit of a lie. As far as I now the Watchtower library only goes back to 1950. The online version only goes back to 2000.
I've never heard of a Bethel edition or a Research Suite. @jwleaks can you please provide more info on what they contain?
doubtful: Yes I thought that was a nit of a lie.
I think it was more than just a lie. I think O'Brien's response is indicative of how he views the lowly congregants. They don't exist - they are incidental. He said "everybody" because those who do have access to all those libraries that jwleaks posted are, in O'Brien's mind, the only ones who count.