Have you noticed how Witnesses feel that they need to use an "excuse" or "reason" for any big personal decision they make?
For instance, if they want to move to another part of the world it is "to serve where the need is greater, or to help the truth" (rather than "we just wanted to move to....because we have always wanted to live there")
Or if they want a holiday many will say "oh we will "help the local brothers while we are there..."
Or if buying a new car: "oh the old one wasn't reliable enough for the field service, and the new one will help us do more visits"
Or if they want a new home: "the old one needed more upkeep, and took away time from the service" (instead of "we just wanted a new home with modern fixtures")
Just be honest....
Is this all because it has been drummed into us that doing anything for oneself is wrong...or materialistic?