Appaling report pertaing to the $4000 daily penalty against the Watchtower. They're squirming....
"Jehovah's Witnesses look in other direction" (Oct 12th 2017)
by Nicholaus Kopernicus 5 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
The Society is simply trying to duck and weave!
If a witness facing a judicial committee was to ever act like this, they would be deemed to be "arrogant and haughty". But the Society is acting the very same way before the legal courts!
A fine.
A daily fine.
A fine testimony.
"Moreover, he should also have a fine testimony from outsiders." - 1 Timothy 3:7
cha ching
Exactly how I feel stuckinarut2
If a witness facing a judicial committee was to ever act like this, they would be deemed to be "arrogant and haughty".
The WT is sooooo arrogant! They are like the bad parent that catches one child hitting on the other and says, "don't you be beatin' on your brother! I taught you better than that!"... then proceeds to beat the other child.
I really don't know why the court hasn't doubled the fine in order to send a message that we're not going to be toyed with?
Sooo... does anyone know how much the Watchtower owes by now?