Go to www.google.com, type in "miserable failure" and then click "I'm feeling Lucky".
See what pops up.
Ignored One.
by ignored_one 3 Replies latest jw friends
Go to www.google.com, type in "miserable failure" and then click "I'm feeling Lucky".
See what pops up.
Ignored One.
hehe... (didn't know Google was owned by the Democrats)
Well, we'll see how much of a "miserable failure" the American public thinks he (GW Bush) is come next November's elections.
I don't see any Democrat beating him yet. If Howard Dean is the nominee, he'll probably get destroyed. Joseph Lieberman is the best Democratic candidate -- the most electable with the most centrist views, but I doubt that he'll rise to the top at next summer's Democratic National Convention, and that's too bad both for the Democrats and for America.
Here's a link supplied by JanH to show how it was done.
Ignored One.