Worship study this week

by road to nowhere 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    Since I need to keep up for family's sake I "study"(skim, its not deep)

    Worship: pray, study ( WT), go to meetings ( formal, not gathering 2 or 3), preach.

    Thrn add helping build halls, donating, and since donations go one way only, give material aid to others.

    Note construction time isn't for service,( but I may have turned in time for it). The local hall gets a donation, none to the WT, local hall forwards way too much all ready

  • neat blue dog
    neat blue dog
    Yep I feel you, in a similar situation. Just keep in mind that any monthly local excess is "donated" to the WTS, but if your family is aware of donations then I guess there's not much you can do, short of 'redirecting' the funds to a worthier cause.
  • WTWizard

    And they wonder why I donate nothing? This is pure communism--you are expected to donate what they feel you can, so they can allocate it to where you don't want (such as your next Africa mission). I don't get any value for donating--aside negative value in the form of curses. So they are not getting another penny from me.

    After all, I do not want to finance their forcing me to do a life long mission through Africa.

  • punkofnice
    Roadie - but I may have turned in time for it....

    I think 99% of reporting time(TM) is all fictional, anyway. (Anyways with an 's' on the end if you're in America).

    Where the 'donations(tm)' actually go...........

  • LongHairGal


    Sorry you still have to attend meetings for the sake of your family. 🤮So, it’s pray, study, meeting and donate (and give material aid to others)?

    I’m sure there’s very much stress on that nowadays with all the needy people in the religion.

    Let’s see: you have the run of the mill JWs who worked at not-so-great jobs and didn’t make much; you have pioneers of all ages (who didn’t count the cost); you have bethelites who got kicked out and hopefully brothers with businesses help; you have people with serious issues that JWs started studies with to fill the empty seats in the hall and then you have assorted types who may have lost their jobs because of Covid downsizing..Aside from this there may be a few responsible types mixed in who make a decent living: some older, etc.

    The point is that the ‘needy’ types are more numerous now than over 21 years ago. I was surrounded by mostly suburban homeowner types. Once in a blue moon you’d be approached by somebody with an envelope.

    This is in sharp contrast to what is happening in the religion now. So, in addition to not really knowing what they actually believe in, the JWs are pretty much about aggressive asking for money. People there are poor MAINLY because they followed the religion’s advice not to get careers or plan for their retirement..Meanwhile, I was criticized because of my full-time job.

    I am Out now and would never tolerate these people looking in my direction asking for anything! Sorry for what the JW religion has turned into..That’s it in a nutshell.

  • Foolednomore

    I feel bad for anyone who has to be in this terrible cult for family. I had to fake it for awhile ( from 16 years of age to 22) once I got free, I was free. My brother followed and some of my sisters. My mom is still in but hangs on but has doubts, which is good. Keep working on yourself and stay positive.

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