I Wish.........

by Latte 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Latte

    ......... I had the guts to telephone any JW?s just for the sake of it, with nothing less than Xmas Carol music playing in the background???now that would razz them off!! Lol

    I wish I had the guts to post my picture on this forum like Nina (Cruzanheart who seems to of been in this cult round about the same length of time I have) and others. I think that ?coming out? and posting your picture really shows lurkers that really we should not be fearful when seeking TRUTH. That really what most of the people on this board are about?? Yet I am still hesitant.

    I wish that all the ?New Years resolutions I know I?m going to make - I could keep!

    I wish it could be Xmas every day!


    (Glen Miller playing in the background live Xmas Eve grooves??..just great! Guess I'm a tad early! Making up for lost time)

  • anglise

    Hi Latte

    Dont be too hard on yourself.

    We all come to this site with differant emotional baggage. I am hesitant to be too open on the board due to JW ties that still exist.

    Having said that look at what you are doing. Even talking of xmas is a big step. Contrast that to how you felt say 5 years ago or even at the height of your belief in the WTBTS lore.

    We are all moving at differant speeds but hopefully in the one direction with the org behind us as a gradually fading spectre

    Are you getting ready for xmas yet? PM me and I will send you a card if you feel OK about that.

    Take care


  • think41self

    ((((Latte and family))))

    Everyone comes to this board at different stages of recovery, and with different circumstances.

    Don't berate yourself for the freedoms you DON'T have yet....CELEBRATE the freedoms you DO have.

    You're celebrating Xmas right? Getting presents for the kids? Listening to carols? Put up a tree? Making happy memories with your family? BE HAPPY!


  • Latte


    Yes, we are celebrating??..the tree has been up about two weeks already! LOL The kids (me really) couldn?t wait to decorate the house! We have flashing lights - anything that looks Xmasssy!

    I would love a card! I will pm you, and you must let me know your addy. Thank you. The baggage is hard to dump, especially when you have family/friend ?in?. However, we are determined to do everything as any normal person would ?.for the kids sake- even if that means me having to dress up and wear a flashing santa hat again...lol


    CELEBRATE the freedoms you DO have.

    Good advice, isn?t it wonderful?! Hey?.I can make decisions for myself?.instead of having to search a JW publication to help me?.BWAHAHAHA

    Thanks Tracy! Please could I have your address too??

    Thanks for your thoughts guys?.

  • Englishman


    Put your pic up, Gal!

    We need to have pretty women around here to keep us sane.


  • morty


    Get your pic up there!..Some of us just take our time at getting it up there....Look at me for exsample, I have been here a few months, and just put my pic up....( Mind you it took me a couple of months to figure it out...lol..)..and what a great feeling it was, to know that I am not hiding anymore....When your ready, you will get it up there, until then,keep smiling...you are in the right direction of life.....


  • anglise

    Hi again Latte

    I have PM'd you with a differant email address. Hotmail won't work.

    Hows all the xmas preps going then? Lots or pressies hidden from the children in wardrobes hehe.


  • reboot

    latte; i know just how you feel; they are so damn judgemental that they make you feel bad for even posting; i saw two yesterday that i knew-and they knew id been posing silent lambs stuff around the town...I still felt a twinge of guilt? can you believe that? its just a mental hold-itll disappear in time- )((you're doing fine))

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