Hey Brad, quit being so worldly.
by Surreptitious 8 Replies latest jw friends
you know what they say....brad association spoils useful habits. damn him!!! :-P
LOL tink.
Now, let me say this. If I have offended you, I'm sorry. No offense was intended. A careful reading of my thread will certainly bear this out. It is because I hate prejudice in all it's forms that I said what I said.
And I stand by that with full conviction.
Oxnard Hamster
I have to go with Brad on this one. He was not trying to offend anyone with the use of the N word. While his tactics of converting his friend may seem a bit eccentric, there is a striking similarity between the way the two words are used.
The only difference is the N word is common knowledge, while very few people understand or know about the JWs and their beliefs. I think if the JWs were more prominent, then the term "wordly people" would have equal weight with the N word.
Don't get mad at Brad, folks. He was simply pointing out how elitist and stuck up the JWs are, much in the same way people are who use the N word.
offend, no. stir up controversy, yes. i'm not saying that's a bad thing and he didn't offend me as he well knows.
Oxnard Hamster
I don't see it as so much stirring up contoversy as I do a wake up call. People who have never studied with the JWs need an idea as to just how they think, and I think Brad came up with an apt analogy.
i think this is simply a case of you say tomato, i say to-mah-to. you say wake up call, i say spark a controversial debate. i think we mean the same thing.
Oxnard Hamster
Depends. Stirring up controversy can have a negative connotation of one who is just out to cause trouble, for no other reason than for his or her own personal amusement. A wake up call implies the poster is trying to educate people, or get his or her point across.
i didnt mean it to be negative and brad knows that, it was more a reference to an exchange i had with him this morning on the topic. he gets it, i'm sure.