Tips on a successful stumble

by Fadeaway1962 8 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Fadeaway1962

    Hi I don't mean tie my shoe laces together,

    I realize some theocatic warfare involved (lying) getting fed up with trying to fade .

    How do JW family members react?

  • DesirousOfChange

    Our extended JW families sympathize with happened to our family. They realize the Eldubs handled things grossly wrong. Of course, they say Joe Hoover ultimately will settle it all and make all things right. We tell them that we are confident of that also, but if "these kind of things" are going on Borganizationally, there are some real issues that need addressed. Clearly Holy Spirit is not at the wheel or the Chariot. So we are "waiting on Joe Hoover" to make it right. But quite frankly, we are NOT going to "wait in the Kingdumb Hall". Better things to do.

    Thus, if you have a reasonable excuse to "be stumbled", it may be the best solution to start your "fade".

    Good luck!

  • Anna Marina
    Anna Marina

    Elders df someone - you are stumbled. So if they df you, you are even more stumbled. You wont be able to recognise them as spiritually qualified to tie a shoe lace let alone df you.

    By they way, if they are not too busy could they pop round and give your tootsies a wash. You've got toe jam and you've been reading these scriptures about Jesus and the fine way he cared for his disciple's feet.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    ''I realize some theocatic warfare involved (lying) getting fed up with trying to fade .

    How do JW family members react?''

    Generally very unfavourably.

    They will take note of an obvious slow down in ''theocratic activity''. They will compare how you used to be quite 'exemplary' or 'zealous'. Generally, family is used to blackmail you with their feelings being hurt. They will guilt you with their feelings. It's the 'feelings bait'. Using their feelings to sway you.

  • Sigfrid Mallozzi
    Sigfrid Mallozzi

    It amazes me how being "spiritual" is confused with the physical things of going to meetings, service, working on quick builds, etc. The current Jw thought is being spiritual is supporting the corporation physically, financially, and emotionally, and in verbal commentary. Peter denied Christ many times and yet was selected as the apostle for the "keys to the kingdom". This doesn't seem to be tolerated today.

  • Giordano

    The WT power is a weak vestal. It has consistently lied about the two witness rule and how it impacts it's followers especially the children.

    Jesus recognized the two witness rule as a means of getting to the truth. But he was apparently factoring adults.

    But could the voice of the women be of value. Good.......... at least they got something right for a change.

    Luke 18:15–17; Matthew 19:13–15; Mark 10:13–16 - Now they ... › ...
    But Jesus called them to him, saying, “Let the children come to me, and do not ... he was indignant and said to them,“Let the children come to me;do not hinder them."Jesus was in no way talking about child sexual abuse. More so the pecking order of which of his followers could seek him out.

    Well...... I would think sexual child abuse could be a hindrance.

    Make this your up on how the Jehovah's Witnesses fared in the Australian Royal commission that took place two or so years
    The victimizes were called under sworn oath to describe the sexual abuse they experienced as children.
    The Branch service the same. the Elders the same... A Governing Body member who lied to the court. ...the same. A real punk.

    Look up the ARC re the Jehovah's Witnesses child sexual abuse issue.

    This is an issue you can embrace, so do your home work on this.... if it pisses you off ....good... you should be pissed off. it's all on Google...... from the Court.
    Your position...........
    Until Jehovah cleans up this wrong you are not attending meetings.

    Here's a guarantee......not one Elder or Circuit Overseer will want to touch this with a ten foot pole.

    Keep in mind that no one is prepared to argue with you since they might be guilty of that sin and crime.
    Hold to this as your great stumbling and be direct with any Elders who think they got you. Just tell them if it comes to this you are going to present all of the facts to your local newspapers. And their congregation will have to close down. If they are supporting the two witnesses rule when it comes to child sexual abuse.

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    If you're looking for ideas on things you could conveniently become stumbled over.

    Why not show your relatives this video and tell them that you are extremely troubled by how he lied under oath when he said it would be presumptuous for JW's to claim to be Gods one true channel of communication as well as the various other untruths that are pointed out in this video.

  • StephaneLaliberte

    I faded and didn't lie to my family. I didn't see the point in keeping a relationship with them if they didn’t respect me. In exchange, I give them the respect I expect from them. I don’t preach to them or try to subvert their faith. On the contrary, my wife and I will help them when help is needed; for instance, with tablets and other devices.

    As for everyone else, I told them I needed time and never said more. If I ever need to lie to JWs doing some type of investigation trying to break apart my family, I will happily oblige. Still, politely avoiding questions tends to be easier.

  • Phizzy

    Great Post Stephane ! This is exactly what I decided to do, and stuck to it. My JW family have become distant, and in a small way, they "shun" us, we do not get invited to family JW stuff, like Weddings, and there are children in the family that we have only seen briefly, in a shop or something, and so have never got to know.

    They treat us as though we are Disassociated, though we are not officially. I think we are lucky in a way, that their actions are not more harsh.

    We are also lucky that most of our close family are out, my kids, and my In laws are all out, and we have grown much closer to family that never was JW. We also have some very good, lovely, real friends that have also never been JW's.

    But, you simply have to decide how you are going to handle things, and see how they pan out, when you leave. Personally I do not think a kind of " Theocratic Warfare" is morally wrong, I have been cagey, and economical with the truth, with Elders who were set on getting me DF'd for Apostasy, and I never reveal all I know and feel to my JW family, or any other JW.

    I prefer to stay officially "Inactive" , so that if, has happened a few times, JW's that I know who have decided to fade, have no fear of being seen to approach me, and I am able to support them through those early days.

    To anyone thinking of leaving I say, DO IT ! but decide which course of action is best for you, and then, be very careful !

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