nosferatu is famous!!!!

by tink 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • tink

    i read this on a movie discussion forum~~~

    Computer buffs in New Zealand are "baiting" Nigerian fraudsters in a game dubbed the new internet bloodsport, a report said today.

    The ultimate goal is to turn the fraud back on the Nigerians, but authorities warn the game is dangerous and are urging people not to play.

    Scam-baiters start by replying to Emails from African fraudsters trying to fleece recipients with fake charities or investments.

    The baiters pretend to fall for the scams while secretly humiliating the fraudsters, whom they call "lads."

    Typically, they make endless demands for proof of identity that force the lads to forge passports, bank accounts and documents.

    Sometimes the lads are told to photograph themselves in ridiculous poses, with loaves of bread on their heads, or clutching signs with secret passwords.

    A North Islander with the baiter name ScamTech said baiting was plain good fun.

    He liked the "thrill of the hunt, matching wits with complete strangers" and getting "trophy" photographs and fake documents.

    ScamTech did not think baiting was dangerous, but did not want the fraudsters to know his real identity.

    "They have been known to kill people who cause them trouble."

    Auckland baiter Vek, aged 17, told a lad he was the head of a multinational firm. "Now I'm convincing him to take photos of various clothing items and generally make a fool of himself.

    "These people have pretty bad English, and you can get a laugh out of the lengths they will go to rip you off," Vek said.

    Ministry of Consumer Affairs spokeswoman Julie Allan said baiting was "extremely dangerous and silly".

    Every conversation with a fraudster gave snippets of personal information that could be used against a person, she said.

    Nigeria is the source of endless computer-based attempts to encourage people to invest in fraudulent get-rich-quick schemes.

  • drwtsn32

    Yeah, this is turning into a great art form .... there are some web sites devoted to scamming the scammers. I really should try and find the URL... some of them are simply incredible!

  • Oxnard Hamster
    Oxnard Hamster
    "They have been known to kill people who cause them trouble."

    Wow. I'm glad I opted to simply delete their e-mails instead of replying back with a prank.

  • Nosferatu

    I heard about this article. Until I hear of a Scambaiter running into troubles, I'm not quitting anytime soon.

    drwtsn32, one site I frequent on this stuff is

    Here's another one where the Scambaiter is sending the Scammer on a trip across Africa. It's friggin' hilarious:

  • tink

    ebolamonkeyman?!?!?!?!?!?!?!! lmfao.....that's just wrong :-P

  • cruzanheart

    Nos, I'll back you against any homicidal Nigerian anytime!


  • Nosferatu

    Some Nigerian scammers set up their own fake websites to make their story believeable. Some have gathered together to take these sites down. I pulled this off a message board, and they successfully brought down the site in less than 24 hours:

    419 FLASH MOB! Dec. 01.03
    Posted on November 30, 2003 at 05:59:27 PM by Lord Vader
    Ok, today (december 01 2003) it´s going down...
    The first 419 Flash Mob is taking place. This is aimed at shutting down a 419er site though exceeding its bandwith and/or DDOS. All you need to do to contribute is to visit the site stated below at 4:19 pm Nigerian time...

    The meeting point is here:
    The fake banks IP address (for the Ping of Death!) is:
    Please, open as many DOS boxes as your machine(s) can take and ping them to hell by entering "ping -t"

  • tink

    i just spent like an hour perusing that is seriously one of the funniest things i have seen in a very long time!! omg!

  • SanFranciscoJim
    I heard about this article. Until I hear of a Scambaiter running into troubles, I'm not quitting anytime soon.

    The only people I've heard about running into trouble with the scammers were the actual victims. One actually flew to Nigeria and was found dead from poison.

    I've perused most of the scambaiter websites and have read nothing about any of the scambaiters running into problems.

  • Dawn

    OMG!! The ebolamonkey site is hillarious!

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