........or the law of the Watchtower?
The May 2019 Watchtower actually tells you which one to obey:
Page 3, par. 7 - Lessons: Jesus’ teachings cover all aspects of life. So the law of the Christ governs what we do....We learn this law by reading the Christian Greek Scriptures [not WT litter-ature] and meditating on them. We obey this law by bringing our lives into harmony with the instructions, commands, and principles found in that inspired record. [not in WT litter-ature] When we obey the law of the Christ, we are obeying.....all that Jesus taught.
At Matthew 18:15-17, Jesus didn't say anything about elders being involved when someone commits a serious sin. In fact, Jesus explicitly stated that if a sin has been witnessed by someone, the matter should be resolved between the sinner and the witness alone. No one else was to be involved - especially not elders.
never said anything
about Christians having to confess to an elder - let alone three of them! Verse
is referring to other witnesses of the sin
- not witnesses of the accusation.
So from now on, will you sincerely obey the law of the Christ or the law of Warwick - and continue to gladly share the details of anyone's "sin" with the congregation's S.S?