Just been doing some researching and it jsut kept hititng me in the face that God Jdumbs worship always butt-in/ intervenes too late or gives his 2 pence worth advice! Instead of avoiding/ preventing the innocents to suffer/ or even die he lets them get on with the bad deeds n then delayed intevention. Eg 1) Judges 20 verse 18 where he could have intervevned with his power when the Benjaminites were at Gibeahs door and helped avoid the sex crime that took place on the poor, innocent concubine(plus 22000 innocent soldiers dying ,who returned for avenge this serious crime.
2) 2 Samuel 12:15-23 God aborts Davids n Bathsheba's son. Whereas in Exodus 21: 22,23 he says killing an unborn child is deserving of death! two faced???Once again he could have intervened when david was palnning ways to bed Bathsheba.Perhaps send a prophet as he did for Job to see the folly of his ways, dont you think?
God so disappoints me everytime !
What do you think?
(sorry english is not up to scratch, not a native speaker)